Help please!
Which of the following are valid names for the equinoxes?


Answer 1
Answer: Vernal Equinox and Autumn Equinox and Winter and Summer Solstice. :D Hope that helps.  
Answer 2

There is a Spring equinox (March in the northern hemisphere), and a Fall equinox (September).

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A body with a mass of 5 Kg has the same kinetic energy as a second body. The second body has a mass of 10 kg and is moving at a speed of 20 m/s. How fast is the second body moving?


First body:

E_(k_1)=(1)/(2).m.v^2\n \n E_(k_1)=(1)/(2).5.v_1^2=(5)/(2).v_1^2

Second body:

E_(k_2)=(1)/(2).m.v_2^2\n \n E_(k_2)=(1)/(2).10.(20)^2=2.000 \ J

From description of the task we have:

E_(k_1)=E_(k_2)\n \n (5)/(2).v_1^2=2.000 \ J\n \n 5.v_1^2=4.000 \ J\n \n v_(1)^2=800 \ J\n \n v_(1)= √(800) \ J \approx 28,3 \ m/s

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the coal is  urned to heat up water. this produces steam. the steam turns a turbine that turns a generator which provided energy yhat can be transferred into electrisity

Forces contribute to the net force on a car rolling down a ramp


Well if you're asking for the forces, here ya go.

There are a ton of forces that act upon a car while it rolls down a hill, such as:

     -Gravity pushing down on the mass of the car
     -The ramp (or ground) pushing back up on the car at an angle (making it            move)
     -Friction in the form of the tires on the ramp and air resistance
     -Normal Force perpendicular to gravity on the ramp

Now the question doesn't tell me if the engine is powering the car or not, it only says it is "Rolling"

But if the engine were to be driving the wheels, then Engine Force will be applied at the angle of the ramp.

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS1. Write the three equations of motion.
2. In which condition distance and displacement are equal?
3. Is acceleration scalar or vector?
4. What is the difference between mass and weight?
5. What is the difference between 'G' and 'g'?
6. Why can't you feel an attraction force between you and your friend?
7. Uniform circular motion is accelerated motion Why?
8. What is the weight of a person in the surface of moon?
9. A ship is moving at a speed of 56km/h. one second later, it is moving at 58km/h. What is its
10. What is the area under velocity-time graph gives?
11. Explain the use of seat belt in car.
12. Why the school bags have wide strap?
13. Camel can easily walk through the desert. Why?
14. Draw the following displacement-time graphs represent cases
a. Stationary object
b. Uniform motion
c. No uniform motion
15. Draw the following speed-time graphs represent cases
a constant speed
b. speed decreasing uniformly
c. speed increasing uniformly



1)   v = u + at

     s = ut + 1/2 at²

     v² = u² + 2as

2) The distance is equal to the displacement when their magnitude is the same.

3) Acceleration is a vector quantity

4) Mass is the quantity of matter present in a body. Its SI unit is Kg. The weight is the action of gravitational force on the body. Its SI unit is newton.

5)  G - Universal gravitational constant (6.673 x 10⁻¹¹ Nm²Kg⁻²

     g - acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)

6) It is because the magnitude of the attractive force between two people is negligible when compared with the gravitational force of Earth.

7) In a uniform circular motion, the body is continuously changing its direction. If there is a change in the direction there is an act of force acting on the body. It will in accelerated motion.

8) Due to the lesser gravitational force of the moon, the weight of the person on the moon is very low compared with the weight of the person on Earth. On the surface of the moon, the person will experience only 16.5% of his weight on the Earth.

9) The rate of change of velocity by time gives acceleration. Therefore the acceleration of the ship is when the velocity is converted to m/s

                                       a = (16.11 - 15.56)/1

                                        a = 0.55 m/s²

10) The area is equal to the displacement

11) The seat belt stops the movement of a body where newton's first law is applicable.

12) The pressure acting on a body is inversely proportional to the surface area. So, when the surface area is the increased impact of pressure on the shoulders can be minimized. So, the schoolbags have wider straps.

13) The camels have broader toe compared to the toe of the horse. So, it can walk easily through the sands.

What instrument use lenses or mirrors to collect and focus light from distant objects?


Optical telescopes do that.
I believe that would be a telescope. not 100% on that but it makes sense to me. 

Describe all the ways that newtons laws can apply in a car crash


Newtons first law - Objects in the car at rest (The human) will remain at rest unless affected by an unbalanced force. Well the unbalanced force would be the crash and this would set the human in motion and they would ether fly out the car if not wearing a seat belt or if wearing one they would get bad whip lash

Newtons second law - With more mass requires more force, so since the human is pretty light or even if heavy in a big crash there will be so much more from it that this will send the human flying.

Newtons 3rd law - Objects A puts force onto objects b and object b excretes the same amount of force back onto object a, so in a crash the human would hit the car hard and the car would excrete the same amount of force back on the human which would really damage him/her

Final answer:

Newton's laws of motion can be applied in a car crash to explain the physics and forces involved.


In a car crash, Newton's laws of motion can be applied in several ways:

  1. Newton's first law: Also known as the law of inertia, this law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. In a car crash, the body of the occupants tends to stay in motion until acted upon by a force, such as the seatbelt or the airbag.
  2. Newton's second law: This law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In a car crash, the greater the force of impact, the greater the acceleration experienced by the occupants. This is why it is important to wear seatbelts and have properly functioning airbags.
  3. Newton's third law: This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a car crash, when two vehicles collide, the force exerted by one vehicle on the other is met with an equal and opposite force.

Overall, Newton's laws of motion help explain the physics behind car crashes and the forces involved.

Learn more about Newton's laws of motion in a car crash here: