In a longitudinal wave the motion of a disturbance is _____ to the wave motionA.parallel
D. in the same direction


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is Option A.


Waves are characterized into two types:

  1. Transverse wave: These waves are the waves where, particles of the medium travel perpendicularly to the direction of the wave. These waves do not require any medium to travel and can travel in vacuum also. For Example: Light waves.
  2. Longitudinal waves: These waves are the waves, where particles of the medium move in the direction of the wave which means that the particles move parallel to the direction of the wave. These waves requires a medium to travel. For Example: Sound Waves.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A.

Answer 2
Answer: It is parallel. The direction of energy transfer is parallel to oscillation of particles in the medium. 

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3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.


  • To balance the equation, you should apply the law of conservation of mass for the equations.
  • The law of conservation of mass states that the no. of each atom is equal in both sides (reactants and products).
  • The balanced equation is:

3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.

That 3.0 mole of Mg react with 1.0 mole of Fe₂O₃ to produce 3.0 moles of MgO and 2.0 moles of Fe.

  • The no. of all atoms is the same in both of reactants and products side.

Mg (3), Fe (2), and O (3).

If the pH of a solution is 5.3, what is the pOH?


The correct answer is C) 8.7

What does pH answer mean?

The pH of a solution indicates the acidity or basicity of the answer. A solution is said to be neutral if the pH is 7, if the pH fee is less than 7 then it is acidic in nature and if the pH cost is greater than 7 then the solution is simple in nature.

What does pH stand for?

Ph may appear as it belongs at the periodic desk of factors, however, it's truly a unit of size. The abbreviation pH stands for ability hydrogen, and it tells us how an awful lot hydrogen is in drinks—and the way active the hydrogen ion is.

What's the pH of a solution?

PH is a measure of the attention of H+(aq) ions in an answer. The attention of H+ ions may be stated in mol dm(-three), but the use of the log(10) feature simplifies the numbers concerned. Definition: pH is the terrible logarithm to base 10 of the hydrogen ion awareness in an aqueous solution.

Learn more about the solution  here:


Which has triple Bond C2 H4 C3 H6 and C3 H4​


Answer:  C3H4 (Propayne) have a triple bond.


The hydrocarbons which having triple bond are called alkyne. The general formula of alkyne is CnH2n-2. Here, n is number of carbon atoms.

In alkyne, the number of hydrogen atom is 2 less than double the number of carbon atoms.

Thus, the compound C3H4 (Propyne) have a triple bond.

B) What happens to the soup water when elisya blows it harder with the soap bubble blower


The soup water would turn into soap.

Final answer:

When Elisya blows harder with the bubble blower, she increases the air pressure and thus the bubble's size due to resistance against the surface tension of the water. Additionally, the soap bubble's film thickness changes, altering light path differences and possibly the perceived color of the bubble.


When Elisya blows harder on the soup with the bubble blower, the soup water may experience changes due to increased air pressure. This air adds stress to the surfaces of the water which can cause a bubble to form as the surface tension of the water attempts to decrease the surface area.

The surface tension of the water inside the soap bubble tries to contract the bubble into the smallest possible surface area. When Elisya blows more air into the soap bubble, she is effectively increasing the volume of the air inside the bubble. This results in an increased bubble size, as the internal air pressure works against the surface tension trying to minimize the bubble's surface area.

Also, the formation of soap bubbles has to do with the properties of thin films and light interference which are evident when we see distinct colors on the soap bubbles. When Elisya blows harder through the soap bubble blower, the thickness of the bubble's film changes, altering the path length difference and interferences of light, which could potentially change the colors we perceive in the bubble.

Learn more about Surface Tension and Bubbles here:


What is the ground state shorthand notation for iron (Fe)?


Answer:For Fe



1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6

Are there 26 electrons here? Why should there be 26?

So going back to the inert gas, argon ( Z=18 ), we get

[Ar] 4s2 3d6

Make sure to check your work by counting the electrons you have


PLEASE SOMEBODY ANSWER THX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh come on now, give me a break !  Have you thought about it yet ?

Do you know how many states there are all together in the USA ?

At the present time, there are  50  states all together.

If  24  of them are on one side, then how many are on the other side ?

Isn't it  (50 - 24) ?  Can you do the subtraction ?

10 states are east of the mississippi river but 11 if you include Louisiana