How was the holy Roman Emperor's power limted


Answer 1
Answer: The holy Roman Emperor's power was limited because they had to answer to the pope. 

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B. Questions
C. Sources
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C. Sources


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We can be sure that ancient civilizations knew of and were concerned about infectious diseases from several facts. The hunter gatherers rarely suffered from water borne diseases. They knew that the water that stank or did not taste well was not good to intake. Their main knowledge came from experience. During the Greek period several doctors like Alcmaeon of Croton were mentioned and hence they must have had the knowledge about infectious diseases like Cholera. Several other infectious disease treatment have also been mentioned during the Greek period. 

What event turned the tides in bolshevik favor during the russian revolution?



When Kerensky called on the Bolsheviks for help after the military tried a totalitarian coup against Kerensky's government.

Final answer:

The October Revolution of 1917 was the pivotal event that shifted the Russian Revolution in favor of the Bolsheviks, as it marked their seizure of power and the establishment of the Soviet system.


The event that turned the tides in favor of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution was the October Revolution in 1917. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) and overthrew the Provisional Government. This event allowed the Bolsheviks to establish their own government and initiate sweeping changes to society and the economy.

An example of the Bolsheviks' success can be seen in their ability to rally support from the working class, soldiers, and peasants. Their promise to end Russia's involvement in World War I and distribute land to the peasants resonated with these groups, ultimately giving the Bolsheviks the advantage.

Furthermore, the disunity among the various factions that had emerged after the February Revolution also worked in the Bolsheviks' favor. The Provisional Government struggled to maintain control and failed to address the pressing issues facing the country. This created an opportunity for the Bolsheviks to step in and present themselves as the alternative to the weak and ineffective Provisional Government.

Learn more about Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution here:


The American value of government by elected representatives of the people was first demonstrated by the __________.A. Massachusetts Body of Liberties
B. House of Burgesses in Jamestown
C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. Mayflower Compact of Plymouth Colony


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. Mayflower Compact of Plymouth Colony." The American value of government by elected representatives of the people was first demonstrated by the D. Mayflower Compact of Plymouth Colony




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