Assume that the blue section (D) of the chart stands for stocks and the red (A) for mutual funds. This would most likely represent the portfolio of a young investor middle-aged investor nearly-retired investor elderly investor 2 months agoReport Abuse


Answer 1
Answer: Base on the question which ask to state among the following that would be represent the portfolio that assume that the blue section of the chart stands for stock and the red for mutual fund, and base on my research, it would be middle aged investor. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more 
Answer 2


a. young investor


I took the test!

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The correct option is C. Growing farm crops in greenhouses instead of on land previously home to teak trees.


Teak is known to be the finest quality wood and is expensive. Naturally, it can take 40 years for a tree to produce the teak wood.

As it is the finest quality wood, scientists should try their best to replant the Teak trees.

Growing farm crops in greenhouses is an expensive method and also, it is not a reliable solution to the problem mentioned in the question. Hence, Option C is the answer.

Rest all options can increase the productivity of teak.


C) growing farm crops in greenhouses instead of on land previously home to teak trees.


USATestprep said so

Justin is looking at two chromosomes that have identical alleles for a particular trait. These chromosomes would be considered "____" chromosomesA. heterozygous
B. homozygous
C. petit
D. queue


The correct option is B.

Chromosomes can be classified as either homozygous or heterozygous based on the similarities between two alleles. A homozygous chromosome refers to a chromosome that have identical alleles on both homologous chromosomes. When the trait is dominant, it is represented by two capital letters; when the trait is recessive, it is represented by two lower case letters.

When the identical alleles are present on two chromosomes for a particular trait, the chromosomes are said to be homozygous.  

Further Explanation:

The extent to which the genetic sequence of both the copies of a gene is the same is called zygosity. It can also be considered as the percentage of similarity the alleles have in an organism. The eukaryotes are mostly diploid in nature which implies that they contain chromosomes in a matching pair. In a diploid organism, the homologous chromosomes are present on the same loci but the two chromosomes can differ in the sequences at the loci. When both the alleles are the same in a diploid organism, then the organism is said to be homozygous. On the other hand, if the alleles differ in the nucleotide sequence, they are called heterozygous.

Different individuals have different DNA sequences for the same gene. These differences in the sequences form different forms of the same gene called alleles. Some genes have just one allele as any deviation in the allelic sequence might be fatal, while some other genes have more than one allele. The frequency of these alleles varies among a population. Two alleles might have an equal distribution in the population or one allele might be very common, making the other allele rare. The alleles are inherited from each parent which pair up in the zygote. The zygosity describes whether the two alleles are the same or different in their DNA sequences.

When two chromosomes contain the same copies of the alleles, they are called homologous chromosomes and the organism is termed as homozygous. An individual can be homozygous-dominant or homozygous-recessive depending on whether it has dominant or recessive copies of the alleles. The homozygous-dominant individual will express the dominant phenotypic traits while the individual who is homozygous-recessive will have a recessive trait.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about meiosis

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Zygosity

Subject: Biology


zygosity, homozygous, heterozygous, homologous chromosomes, genes, allele, DNA, nucleotide sequence, dominant, recessive, trait.  

Which statement best describes the atoms in a gas


the atoms spread apart and stretch. this causes a type of friction that allows is to be in such a humidy gas form.

Which of the following is an unsegmented animal with a free-swimming larval stage? A. flatworm. B. annelid. C. mollusk. D. echinoderm


The answer is C. mollusk.

Among the all choices, echinoderm and annelid are segmented animals. So, it leaves flatworm and mollusk as possible answer. However, flatworms have no a free-swimming larval stage. Mollusk is an 
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The mountain lion population will decrease.
The population of the mountain lion will decrease. There is now one less food source for the mountain lion. There will be more competition for food because of the fact that there is less resources. The less resources there are, the lower that the carrying capacity is going to be.