Multiple alleles _____. a. can interact and influence a trait such as eye color, b. cannot interact to influence traitsc. that interact are always sex linked
d.are made of RNA


Answer 1


The correct answer would be option A. It can interact and influence a trait such as eye color.


Three or more alternative alleles of a gene that can occupy the same locus known as multiple allele condition. However, only two of the alleles can be present.

The ABO blood group system and human eye color are examples of the multiple allele condition.

Eye color is determined by multiple genes. OCA2 and HERC2  Both are located on human chromosome 15. A common polymorphism in the HERC2 gene is accountable for the blue eye. A person with homozygous TT predicts likely to have brown eyes, while a person with 2 copies of C allele at HERC2 rs1293832 will have blue eyes.

Thus, the correct answer would be option A.

Answer 2
Answer: can interact and influence a trait such as eye color 

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B im not sure................................................

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I say true. :)


Ecosystems with greater biodiversity generally exhibit increased stability. Therefore, the given statement is true.

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The presence of a diverse array of species provides a form of biological insurance for the ecosystem. If one species is negatively impacted by a disturbance or environmental change, other species with different adaptations and ecological functions can compensate for or fill the ecological niche.

Learn more about ecosystems, here:


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The hypophysis is more commonly referred to as the master gland because it regulates other glands within the body, such as the adrenal glands, ovaries, and thyroid. The hypothalamus is what throws signals to the hypophysis on when to inhibit and stimulate the assembly of hormones.

Further explanation

Pituitary or Pituitary Gland weighs about 0.5 grams, and its normal dimensions in humans are about 10 x 13 x 6 mm. This gland is in the sphenoid bone cavity - sella turcica -. During embryogenesis, the pituitary develops partly from oral ectoderm and partly from nerve tissue. The neural component arises as an evagination from the base of the diencephalon and grows toward the caudal as a trunk without breaking away from the brain.

The pituitary gland, or pituitary, is a gland that produces certain hormones that act as a controller for various aspects of the human body. Hormones produced by the pituitary help regulate growth, blood pressure, energy production and burning, and various other bodily functions.

Before the pituitary gland produces hormones, the brain will send signals from the hypothalamus as the center of communication between glands. After that, the gland will start producing which then acts as a signal for other glands and organs to regulate their function.

Learn More

The hypophysis

Pituitary Gland


Class: High School  

Subject: Biology

Keywords: gland, hypophysis, pituitary

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A simple version of everything is Red and Blue Light.

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In scientific theory, genes are organisms that are transferred from a parent cell to the offspring. Overtime, it will determine some of the traits the offspring is taken from either parent.