Explain why increasing the temperature of a gas in a closed, rigid container causes the pressure in the container to increase.


Answer 1
Answer: The atoms/ particles that are in the gas have gotten energy from the heat, because of that, they zoom around the container, putting pressure on it :) hope it helps :)

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The area between the 10 and the 12.
C, because it going down, which is negative and also it change in speed

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G=Gravitational constant
This equation describe the gravity between two objects, which is you and a planet.
if mass become greater, no matter of which object, the Gravity become bigger too.
So your weight will become greater.
lin is right but your mass does not change and your weight does.your weight changes because of the gravitational pull on earth comparing to another planet

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Electrons can move from one atom to another. 

When a lot of them are doing it at the same time,
you have an electric current.

We asked around here at Brainly, and nobody knows
what an "Msideus" is, but we all know that there aren't
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The answer would be that it is a liquid. It does not have a definite shape. That is why is takes the shape of what ever container it fits into. 

Liquids don't have a definite shape so that means it does not take shape of its contaner but, solids do for example when you put water in a bown and freeze it up then it will stay there. Hope i helped :D

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The force of gravity down on the boy= 300NThe boy's weight down on the floor= 300N
The floor's reaction force back up on the boy= 300N

What is the net force on the boy?


The net force on the boy is zero.

Based on this analysis, I would expect the boy to not accelerate.

The net force of the boy is 300N=><=300N which equals a net force of 0N.