Which of the following shows the effect of culture on tolkien's The hobbit and other stories of middle earth A) he wanted to record a factual history of the British isles B) Tolkien loved Greek mythology and wanted to invent legends and a mythology that would become part of the culture of England C) He wanted to create an exiting fantasy for moderns readers D) He wanted to design a complex imaginary would in which he could set a large number of tales


Answer 1
Answer: D is probably the most correct out of the four options, but it's quite arguable but for me its D
Answer 2
Answer: I'm not sure probly D

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When I began working at this marketing job, I used to drive past the same homeless man every day. He stood at the corner of Twelfth Street and Industrial Boulevard, just before the left turn into the private road to my office complex, and held up a brown cardboard sign that read, “Anything Helps.” I didn’t know how to respond to him. Most people didn’t respond at all but drove right past him. Even if the red light stopped them at the very corner, directly alongside him, they didn’t turn their gaze in his direction, much less reach into their pockets for a dollar bill. And yet, he made a point of smiling and nodding at every driver in the line of cars and sometimes wishing them good day. One spring morning, many weeks after he’d first taken over the corner, a day when I was first in the line of stopped cars, I happened to glance to my left and saw that he was giving me a smile and a nod. “Have a good one,” he said. Flustered, I managed to falter out the words, “You too.” The light changed, and I drove off. Immediately, I felt guilty for not giving him some money, for he’d been kind toward me, had treated me as a fellow human being, despite the fact that I’d completely spurned him. So the next time I was stopped at that light, I rolled down my window and extended my hand with a dollar in it. From that point on, I gave him a dollar every time I happened to be caught at that red light, and he swiftly came to recognize me. He’d walk over to my car with a big smile of comradeship and anticipation, and in exchange for the dollar, he’d entertain me with some observation about human quirks or some bit of news about how he’d been surviving over the past twenty-four hours. We knew each other, I felt, even if it was only in a limited way. “You shouldn’t do that,” my friend Janna told me severely a couple of months later. People who gave money to panhandlers were supporting them in destructive lifestyles rather than encouraging them to become productive, Janna said, and I believed her because she was a social worker at a charity and wanted to benefit the homeless in ways that were genuinely constructive, not just ways for some middle-class driver to fool himself into feeling virtuous. So I changed my morning commuting route and began entering the office complex from the other side. But from the beginning, I felt bad about avoiding him; I felt I had bowed to peer pressure, had shown the opposite of courage, and was depriving myself of an opportunity to make a small sacrifice that would make someone happy. It hadn’t even been a sacrifice, I realized, because giving the man that insignificant (for me) sum had pleased me as well as him. The next day, I drove to work on my original route, which was quicker anyway, and looked forward to stopping next to him and exchanging a friendly pleasantry or two. But he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there the next day, either, and now that autumn and winter have come and gone, I can surmise fairly confidently that he’s never coming back. Maybe he’s migrated to some place with nicer weather. Or maybe something has happened to him that people like me wouldn’t want to think about. I don’t know what I’ll do when a different homeless person discovers that this corner is unoccupied. Which theme can be most reasonably inferred from this story? Good intentions do not necessarily lead to wisdom. Generosity is always the best policy. People are not always what they first appear to be. Knowledge is power, and money is power, too.
Rote memorization is defined asa. finding one of the five senses to use as a trigger for memory.b. studying by reading the same information over and over again.c. using the first letter in a series of words to create a new word.d.visualizing images to make a series of associations through those images.
Since i couldn't find this one brainly, i got it wrong, so i'm gonna post it here.what is the main purpose of this excerpt of the document?when in the course of human event, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.a. to catalog the crimes against the colonies of which the british crown is guilyb. to seek the approval of the world in the court of public opinion c. to announce the decision of the colonies to sever their ties to englandd. to introduce the declaration of independence to the general public CORRECT ANSWER IS C.
Why does Don Quixote ride off bravely to fight windmills? A.He thinks his lady is imprisoned in one of the windmillsB.He believes that Freston has taken the form of a windmill.C.He thinks the windmills are giants.D.He wants to impress Sancho Panza.in the story of Don Quixote,,, i need it ASAP

Why did George Orwell choose toconduct social experiments with himself as the source?



George Orwell was a fascinating figure and brilliant writer. He was an idealist, who is best known for his work in warning of the dangers of totalitarianism (whatever its political form) This can be seen in the two classics 1984, and Animal Farm.


He has been much praised as a literary genius, as one who combines talent with principles and continues the great ironic tradition of Swift and others.

Analyzing the TextCite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence from the rest
1. Infer Review lines 24-35. How can you tell that the text is from a
2. Interpret Review lines 72-89. What information does the author provide
about Hunts Point? What do you think is the author's reason for including
this information?
3. Analyze Review the text to determine over what period of time the
events in Colin Powell: Military Leader take place. Then make a timeline that
shows when the most important events occur.
4. Synthesize What purposes do you think the author had for writing Colin
Powell: Military Leader?



Answer to this question is given below in the explanation section


The questions are generated from the text given in the attached image file.  

Answer 1:  

If you review the lines 24-35. You can easily tell that these lines are taken from the biography. Because along the left side of the paragraph there are reference numbers written from where text or information is taken. These numbers are shown information about the biography at the end of this essay.  

Answer 2:                                                        

The author provides information about Hunts Point that how it was looked like at that time. Hunts Point was a working-class neighborhood section of the borough. The family made their apartment on the kelly street. During and after the world war, Harlemetes moved into Hunt Point and Hunt Point's blue color neighborhood felt that they had moved up in the world.  

The author includes this information because he wants to portrait the Hunts Point's families and their lifestyles. Also, it was the author childhood, where he lived and enjoy the childhood.  

Answer 3 & 4:

The test/ information is not given in the question.                                                                                  

the answer for 4


 The author's main purpose in writing the biography is to give us access to the commendable life of military Leader Colin Powell. Through his writing, he wants to show us how Powell's life presents an exemplary story of a hard-working man with a strong work ethic that made America proud.  

2. (01.10 LC)Which of the six traits of writing refers to the format, structure, and timeline of a story? (5 points)









Generally, organisation can be described as process of ensuring things a put in logical order or the process selecting an approach to performing tasks that are both orderly an efficient.

In writing, organisation trait refers to the manner of presentation of ideas in a way that the ideas are joined together in a larger message. This achieved by following a distinct pattern or format which involves using a logical order when engaging in informational writing or chronological order when narratives is being written.

Organisation ensures that the writing has a format and structure and also ensures that there is a strong connections between one time or point to another in the writing in under to make it easy for a reader to follow along.

Therefore, organisation refers to the format, structure, and timeline of a story

Which answer is the sentence fragment? A.
My sister found some fun jewelry at a 50 percent discount.

Was there a long line at the food court around noon?

The bookstore which is in the middle of the shopping mall.

My family goes to the shopping mall when there are sales events.


It is C. ( The bookstore which is in the middle of the shopping mall

Chryses prays to Apollo to punish the Greeks. Apollo punishes them with a _________________.war


I've learned about it and from what I remember, Apollo punishes them with a plague..
i think the answer is plague

Please Ibeg beg beg beg you please help m e1.) The five rights guaranteed to us by the First Amendment include: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government.

A.) true

B.) False

2.) . The First Amendment guarantees that you can write anything about anyone.

A.) true

B.) false

3.) The First Amendment guarantees that there are no consequences to saying what you want and expressing yourself the way you want

A.) true

B.) false

4.) Wearing a swimming suit to school is not protected under the First Amendment

A.) true

B.) false

5.) . You are free to express yourself, practice your religion, assemble, and petition the government as long as you are not infringing upon the rights of others

A.) True

B.) False

6.) Freedom of speech means that newspapers can print whatever they want about anyone or anything.



7.) All religious practices are protected under the First Amendment.

A.) true

B.) False

8.) Many writers use their freedom of speech for social commentary on issues that are important to them.

A.) true


9.) As a writer, you are allowed to criticize an organization or person, as long as what you are saying is arguably true


B.) false

10.) All of the books in the Harry Potter series are on the banned books list.

A.) true

B.) False

11.) The Holy Bible has never been banned anywhere.

A.) true

B.) false


1.) A - true

2.) A - true

3.) B - false

4.) True

5.) A - true

6.) A - true

7.) A - true

8.) A - true

9.) A - true

10.) **what banned books list? I know that they've been banned before if that helps**

11.) B - false