The author's use of repetition in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" is a device that is most effective in A. creating suspense.
B. employing alliteration.
C. reinforcing the poem's tone.
D. establishing the poem's meter.


Answer 1


B. Employing Alliteration


Alliteration is when two or more words in a sentence begin with the same sound or Alliteration is the repetition of beginning consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.

Alliteration can also be said to be a term used to describe a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound.

A good illustration of alliteration is:“She sells seashells by the sea shore".

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"is another example of an Alliteration.

Some Alliterations can be considered as a tongue twister, also.

The phrase "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" can be said to be employing Alliteration.

Answer 2
Answer: I believe that the answer is that the author is trying to reinforcing the poems tone.

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Extemporaneous speaking is a type of speech contest wherein a contestant is given a topic and asked to prepare a speech after a specific set of minutes, perhaps after 20 minutes of thinking. They used the alloted time to organize their thoughts. Some of the disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that the contestant maybe less conscious about time limit and focus more on the speech. The probability of saying things or communicating ideas they don't really mean is high. Moreover, the main disadvantage of which is that the speaker may be prone to use less precise language and sound not-so-fluent-in speaking English due to simultaneously re-organizing and speaking the ideas.


Definitely the time limit for some people. Personally I LOVE extempt but thats only because I'm good at it. I really am bad at every other event.


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B. He helped Paine write Common Sense.
C. He was responsible for inventing electricity.
D. He served as one of America's Founding Fathers.


The correct answer is D, Benjamin Franklin is best known for serving 'as one of America's Founding Fathers'. Whereas he did work as a journalist, he didn't invent the printing press. And neither of the rest of the options are correct. 

__________ is the most common form of child maltreatment according to the author. (Points : 1)Neglect
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse



Final answer:

The most common form of child maltreatment according to research is neglect, highlighting the failure of caregivers to provide age-appropriate care, including food, clothing, shelter, education or medical attention.


According to most research and studies on child maltreatment, it is found that Neglect is the most common form. Neglect refers to the failure by the caregiver to provide needed, age-appropriate care even though financially able to do so or offered financial or other means to do so. This could be in the form of failing to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care to the child. It can also include educational neglect, where a caregiver does not ensure the child is given an adequate education.

Learn more about Child Maltreatment here:


Paraphrasing is repeating back to the speaker his or her words, exactly as they were said. true or false



Paraphrasing is taking a comment and changing it all into your own words.
This statement is False.
When one paraphrases, you basically take a statement, and change it up, into your own words.
~Hope this helped :)

Memories of a MemoryHave you ever witnessed something amazing, shocking or surprising and found when describing the event that your story seems to change the more you tell it? Have you ever experienced a time when you couldn't really describe something you saw in a way that others could understand? If so, you may understand why some experts think eyewitness testimony is unreliable as evidence in scientific inquiries and trials. New insights into human memory suggest human memories are really a mixture of many non-factual things.

First, memory is vague. Imagine your room at home or a classroom you see every day. Most likely, you could describe the room very generally. You could name the color of the walls, the floors, the decorations. But the image you describe will never be as specific or detailed as if you were looking at the actual room. Memory tends to save a blurry image of what we have seen rather than specific details. So when a witness tries to identify someone, her brain may recall that the person was tall, but not be able to say how tall when faced with several tall people. There are lots of different kinds of "tall."

Second, memory uses general knowledge to fill in gaps. Our brains reconstruct events and scenes when we remember something. To do this, our brains use other memories and other stories when there are gaps. For example, one day at a library you go to quite frequently, you witness an argument between a library patron and one of the librarians. Later, when telling a friend about the event, your brain may remember a familiar librarian behind the desk rather than the actual participant simply because it is recreating a familiar scene. In effect, your brain is combining memories to help you tell the story.

Third, your memory changes over time. It also changes the more you retell the story. Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony that could not have been known at the time of the event. Research has also shown that the more a witness's account is told, the less accurate it is. You may have noticed this yourself. The next time you are retelling a story, notice what you add, or what your brain wants to add, to the account. You may also notice that you drop certain details from previous tellings of the story.

With individual memories all jumbled up with each other, it is hard to believe we ever know anything to be true. Did you really break your mother's favorite vase when you were three? Was that really your father throwing rocks into the river with you when you were seven? The human brain may be quite remarkable indeed. When it comes to memory, however, we may want to start carrying video cameras if we want to record the true picture.

Which line from the text best explains what happens when witnesses repeat their accounts of an event?
Human memories are really a mixture of many non-factual things
Memory tends to save a blurry image of what we have seen
Our brains use other memories and other stories when there are gaps
Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony


The correct option is:  

Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony.  

According to the text provided, when a witness repeats the accounts of an event, it´s very likely that some details will be added, as memory changes over time, especially the more a story is retold. Furthermore, the more a witness's description is repeated, the less reliable it is.  


Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony


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The answer would be Never procrastinate!