How do you say "We used to play tennis" in spanish?a: Jugabamos al tenis.
b: Jugamos al tenis.
c: Jugaban al tenis.
d: Juegan al tenis.

Which word belongs in the blank?

____compro el libro a Ana

a: La
b: Le
c: Lo
d: Ella


Answer 1

1. Correct answer:

a. Jugábamos al tenis.

This sentence stands for the imperfect tense. In general, the imperfect is used to talk about past actions, conditions, or events that occurred regularly or frequently or that were in progress in a moment in the past. So Jugábamos is the conjugation of the verb jugar that matches the first person plural (nosotros) in the imperfect.  So we used to play tennis in the past.  

2. Correct answer:

b. Le

Le is the indirect object pronoun that matches the third person singular. An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. So Ana receives the action of the verb to buy (comprar) here, so this action is being performed for her. Finally:

Le compró el libro a Ana

Answer 2

number one is a.

number2 is a

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Write the Spanish translations to the following sentences. My kitchen is bigger than your kitchen. My bedroom is smaller than your bedroom. My house is better than your house.


The correct translation of the sentences in each case, using Comparatives in Spanish, is:

  • Mi cocina es más grande que tu cocina.
  • Mi habitación es más pequeña que tu habitación.
  • Mi casa es mejor que tu casa.

Comparative of superiority in Spanish.

The comparative of superiorityis done in order to indicate that a noun is better in a mentioned characteristic than another noun. Its structure in Spanish is usually:

  • Noun + conjugated "ser" + más + adjective + que + noun.

However, there are some exceptions, such as the case where words like "peor" or "mejor," where it is not necessary to use the word "más" or the adjective.

If you want to learn more about Comparatives in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

Mi cocina es mas grande que tu cocina.

Mi cuarto es mas pequeno que tu cuarto.

Mi casa es mejor que tu casa.

Llena los espacios con la conjugación correcta de los verbos en tiempo presente progresivo.Los muchachos
a0 en la arena. (jugar)


The correct conjugation of the given sentence, assuming that it is in the present continuous tense is "Los chicos están jugando en la arena."

What is Conjugation?

This refers to the variation of verb forms in order to indicate gender, time, number, etc in a given sentence.

Hence, we can see that from the base word which is "jugar", we need to show the action of the boys and we assume this is in the present continuous form, so the answer is "Los chicos están jugando en la arena."

Read more about conjugations here:





It is b. if not a. my answer needs to be

Definitely b however a could also be applicable

1. Ana es maestra de inglés. cierto falso 2. Ana asiste a muchas reuniones. cierto falso
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5. Marco quiere dejar su empresa. cierto falso
6. El jefe de Marco es cocinero. cierto falso


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