Which type of shopping venue is similar to one you would find in Los Estados Unidos?el comercial
el comercio compras
el centro comercial
el mercardo central


Answer 1

the  type of shopping venue which is similar to one you would find in Los Estados Unidos is  

el centro comercial  (shopping center or mal)

There you can find diferent kinds of shops to buy clothes, souvenirs and even an area of fast food and restaurants.

Answer 2
Answer: el centro comercial, thats kind of like a mall.

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I am writing a few paragraphs on my ideal school in Spanish GCSE?I need some inspiration and ideas on my ideal school, it is all about the conditional tense mainly, but other tenses would be good:)

If you could help with some phrases and ideas that are really creative, such as:

- "the teachers would be.."
- there would be no homework
- you would be allowed to do...

it is about:
- location of school
- ideal facilities
- ideal uniform
- ideal food and school day
- rules

help would be appreciated thank you!:)


what Ali said is correct but the last one: Los estudiantes seran premitidos a...
"the teachers would be": los profesores son...
"there is no homework": no hay tarea....
"you are allowed to": se permite a...

Why is yes spelt with 3 letters but in Spanish it is spelt with 2


Well, in all languages, words are spelt differently. Because of this, you won't have the same words in two different languages having the same letters. For example, milk in English is spelt with 4 letters, but in Spanish, it is five (leche). Although there may be some words that share the same number of letters, this doesn't happen always. So, in this case, it was just how the language was created.
Simply put - Different languages, different spellings.
There are diff rent grammatical rules when it could to different languages. 
Hope this helps. 

How to say hello in spanish








hola como estas hoy

Please help! El Primo que____a la fiesta es

A: Vengo;alta
B: Viene;alto
C: Venimos;altas
D: Vienen;altos

Help needed!
Answer the question with a complete sentence

Donde duermes?


Part 1:

The translation of the sentence in English is given by:

The Cousin who _____ the party is

Therefore, we must complete the expression with two appropriate words for it.

The correct option is:

Comes, tall

Therefore, the correct sentence is:

The cousin who comes to the party is tall

The translation of the sentence in Spanish is:

El Primo que viene a la fiesta es alto


B: Viene;alto

Part 2:

To answer the question, the first thing we are going to do is translate the question in English:

Where do you sleep?

The answer can be in different ways.

For example, an answer is:

I sleep in my bedroom

The translation of the answer in Spanish is:

Yo duermo en mi cuarto


Yo duermo en mi cuarto

El Primo que viene a la fiesta es alto.

Thus, your answer

Donde duermes? Yo duermo en mi cama en mi cuarto. 


Whichof the following verb below is the correct verb form to ask your sister to set the table? A. poner la mesa B. pone la mesa C. pon la mesa D. pones la mesa


c. Pon la mesa
"pon" la mesa signifies that you are speaking to another person. You can not write "poner" because that is not even conjugated.

Pon la Mesa because the other ones don't make sense

Select the correct reason for using the imperfect tense in this sentence. Tú leías hechizos cuando eras niño. 1. repeated action
2. characteristic
3. one time action
4. date​



1. repeated action


The  sentence says you used to read stories when you were a child. We do not know how many times they read the book nor specific dates so it is in the imperfect tense because it is a repeated action.

Answer: 1 repeated action "You read spells when you were a kid."

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