Which of the following is an aspect of setting in a literary work?I. time

II. place

III. social/historical context


Answer 1
Answer: All 3 of these answers are correct.
Answer 2
Answer: I think it would be location... Isn't their an all of the above?

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C. relevant to the new individuals they have become

The answer is indeed relevant.

I took the test

What is the name of a long speech made by a character that other characters hear called? A. an aside
B. a dialogue
C. a monologue
D. a soliloquy


c. a monologue

Monologue is a long speech madeby a character that other characters hear. It comes from the greek word"monos" which means single and legein  that means to speak. A monologueis presented by only one person and can either be comedic or dramaticdepending on the type of the play presented. One of the most popularmonologues ever recorded is found in  Shakespeare's "Hamlet". It startedwith the line "To be, or not to be - that is the question".

1. The art of persuasion is using words to influence the_______and actions of others.A) words
B) minds
C) opinions
D) engagement

2. The elements of persuasion are:

A) pace, volume, tone, repetition, and action
B) pace, volume, tone, repetition, and imagery
C) action, words, facial expression, and tone
D) none of the above


1. C - Opinions and actions of other people.

2. B - pace, volume, tone, repetition, and imagery. Persuasion doesn't use  action but 
 is using written or spoken words in order to influence the behavior and believes of other people. 
1. C) opinions

2. D) none of the above

Read the following sentence, and then answer the question. The man in blue quietly stepped up to the window and paid for his ticket with cash. The adjective phrase in this sentence isa. in blue.
b. up to the window.
c. for his ticket.
d. with cash


Hasn't this question already been asked before? I thought the answer was a. in blue
the answer is A I am sure

Based on this excerpt from Ernest Heminway's "In Another Country," what is the contextual meaning of the phrase "feeling sick"? "I am sorry," he said, and patted me on the shoulder with his good hand. "I would not be rude. My wife has just died. You must forgive me." "Oh—" I said, feeling sick for him. "I am so sorry. to feel intense emotion that makes one feel unwell or nauseous to experience pining or longing for someone or something to be extremely annoyed or bored with someone or something to react negatively to a joke about an unpleasant or offensive subject


Based on this excerpt, "feeling sick" contextually means to feel intense emotion that makes one feel unwell or nauseous. While the man is not going to actually become physically ill, he does experience emotional sickness. He would likely feel a deep pit in his stomach and would be chilled from the thought of the man losing his wife, yet still being kind to him. 


In case someone still looking for this one the answer is:

To feel intense emotion that makes one feel unwell or nauseous.

Hope you have a great day :)

There are many different genres of fiction, each with its own distinct characteristics. Examples of genres include detective fiction, science fiction, historical fiction, fairy tales, fables, horror, mystery, and humor. What genre of fiction do you most enjoy reading? Give some examples of literary works that you like from that genre, and explain why it is your favorite genre. Also discuss what you dislike about the genre, if anything.


For me, personally, the genre I enjoy most and which is by far my favorite genre is fantasy. The works in this genre are The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, A Song of Ice and Fire by George Martin, The Dark Tower by Stephen King, etc. What I like about this genre, apart from all the fantastic creatures and magic, is definitely the heroism and strength of many characters, who go through many perils throughout their quest. And of course, there are dragons. :)
There are some downsides to it, of course. If you don't like unrealistic situations, this is definitely not for you. Characters may often be portrayed as either good or bad, and you know that in the end, good always wins, which is not always the most interesting ending. 

Name your favorite genre of fiction—science fiction, for example.

Mention some literary works in that genre that you've read and enjoyed. For example, Foundation by Isaac Asimov and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams are famous science fiction books.

Describe what you like about your favorite genre of fiction, including some of its characteristics. For example, science fiction takes you away from reality and into a futuristic realm with cool gadgets and vehicles. People sometimes even travel through time and space in science fiction stories.

Mention something you dislike about your preferred genre. For example, the writing in science fiction may sometimes seem unemotional and dry, and some descriptions are so detailed and specific that the story becomes hard to read.

Other Questions
Which two parts of this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich suggest that doctors, like lawyers, are part of the superficial middle-class world of nineteenth century Russia?He went. Everything took place as he had expectbnd as it always does. There was the usual waiting and the important air assumed by the doctor, with which he was so familiar (resembling that which he himself assumed in court), and the sounding and listening, and the questions which called for answers that were foregone conclusions and were evidently unnecessary, and the look of importance which implied that "if only you put yourself in our hands we will arrange everything—we know indubitably how it has to be done, always in the same way for everybody alike." It was all just as it was in the law courts. The doctor put on just the same air towards him as he himself put on towards an accused person. The doctor said that so-and-so indicated that there was so- and-so inside the patient, but if the investigation of so-and-so did not confirm this, then he must assume that and that. If he assumed that and that, then...and so on. To Ivan Ilyich only one question was important: was his case serious or not? But the doctor ignored that inappropriate question. From his point of view it was not the one under consideration, the real question was to decide between a floating kidney, chronic catarrh, or appendicitis. It was not a question the doctor solved brilliantly, as it seemed to Ivan Ilyich, in favour of the appendix, with the reservation that should an examination of the urine give fresh indications the matter would be reconsidered. All this was just what Ivan Ilyich had himself brilliantly accomplished a thousand times in dealing with men on trial. The doctor summed up just as brilliantly, looking over his spectacles triumphantly and even gaily at the accused. From the doctor's summing up Ivan Ilyich concluded that things were bad, but that for the doctor, and perhaps for everybody else, it was a matter of indifference, though for him it was bad. And this conclusion struck him painfully, arousing in him a great feeling of pity for himself and of bitterness towards the doctor's indifference to a matter of such importance.