Multiple Choice 1 How did the Haitian Revolution impact the history of the United States?(1 point) • It brought the United States into a war with Spain over Cuba.
• France no longer had Haiti, so Napoleon was willing to sell Louisiana.
• Slave owners in the American South began to free their slaves.
• The Haitian Revolution had no impact on the history of the United States.
2 What was the main purpose of the encomienda system?
(1 point) • to provide Native Americans with land • to establish sugar plantations • to define the status of Native Americans • to teach Christianity 3 Why didn't Caribbean economies become self-sufficient after independence?
(1 point) • The United States took over the former British colonies in the Caribbean.
• After independence, economies depended on foreign investments.
• Fidel Castro sold Cuban industries to American companies.
• Caribbean countries did not want to invest in the region's economies.
4 Why are the Maya considered a "great civilization"?
(1 point) • They developed canoes to move among the islands. • They had superior knowledge of astronomy and engineering.
• The city-states had no need to communicate with each other.
• They abandoned religion in favor of science. 5 Why didn't independence improve the lives of many in the Caribbean and Central America?
(1 point) • Monarchies seized control of colonies. • The Maya rebuilt their civilization, creating a new dynasty.
• Foreign trade decreased significantly. • Wealthy landowners gained control over national resources.


Answer 1
Answer: 1. France no longer had Haiti, so Napoleon was willing to sell Louisiana. (Louisiana Purchase!!!)

2. To define the status of Native Americans.

After independence, economies depended on foreign investments.

They had superior knowledge of astronomy and engineering.

Wealthy landowners gained control over national resources.

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The time it takes for half of the atoms in an isotope to decay is called


When atom decays, two or more forms of the same element are obtained. These forms are called isotopes and they have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in relation to the parent atom. So they differ in the relative atomic mass, which is the number of core particles, while the chemical properties remain the same as the parent atom. This process takes place with radioactive decays where radioactive isotopes are obtained, and the time required for decay is half life, and this is the time that is needed for half atom parent to decay and form the daughter elements.

I think the answer would be Half-Life

Which of the following was not a result of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles?Select one:
a. The United States and the Europeans joined together in a “League of Nations” designed to foster cooperation and prevent war.
b. Germany eventually fell under the control of a Nazi dictatorship led by Adolph Hitler.
c. Over seven million soldiers died in battle.
d. The map of Europe was substantially changed.


This is a little bit of a trick question. 

First off, the map of Europe was definitely redrawn by the treaty, which (among other things) ensured the creation of a Polish state. So we can exclude D.

And it's widely acknowledged by historians that the excessively harsh punishments that the treaty had for the German people fueled the rise of Hitler and National Socialism. So we can get rid of B as well.

And Part 1 of the Treaty of Versailles explicitly establishes the League of Nations, so this might exclude A, except that it's a bit of a trick answer. The United States did negotiate and sign the Treaty of Versailles, but the United States refused to ratify the treaty. For this reason, the United States was never a part of the League of Nations, which is one huge reason for why the League ultimately failed. So, technically speaking, the United States never "joined" the League, so we can exclude A.

That leaves us with C. Indeed, about seven million soldiers died in World War One, even though very few people at the time even understood why on earth anyone was fighting that war.

The 1935 Nuremberg Laws isolated Jews in Germany by forbidding Jews from holding government jobs. prohibiting Jews from marrying non-Jewish Germans. forbidding Jewish doctors from treating non-Jews. prohibiting Jews from going to non-Jewish schools.


The statements you listed are all part of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws. These were designed to distinguish pure Germans from non-Germans (or jews in their heads). Due to the general worsening conditions against the jewish population, it was increasingly hard for them to actually achieve something prominent in their lifetime. 

All of the above are correct.  They began isolating the Jews to keep the Aryan line pure.  They also burned books written by Jews and they were forced to work for low-paying jobs.  Later they were rounded up and brought to concentration camps where many were forced to work until they died.  Others were able to survive.

What happened as a result of businesses expanding?A)the national debt would decrease
B) the economy would grow
C) personal debt would rise
D) the job market would flatten


The correct answer is B.

The expansion of businesses increases the aggregate demand levels.

If a firms increases its capacity, it needs to hire more employees to generate a larger output. This entails a reduction in the unemployment levels in the economy and more people that start to earn an income. Each new employee will spent the mentioned income in consumption, investment, net exports, etc., increasing the aggregate demand (traditionally measured by the GDP figure)

In turn, increased consumption levels will lead to the expansion of the businesses that manufacture the consumed products, to more hiring, less unemployment and again a larger aggregate demand. There will be a multiplicative positive effect on the aggregate demand.

B. the economy would grow ... if a business expanded it would create more jobs ... more jobs means less unemployment.... less unemployment means more spending ... more spending means the economy grows

According to Islamic law, Muslims are forbidden to __________.a. eat meat
b. drive a car
c. drink alcohol
d. join the military


According to Islamic law, Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. This is due to the negative effects that can come with drinking alcohol and the lack of control over the body and mind when an individual becomes drunk.


According to Islamic law, Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. This is due to the negative effects that can come with drinking alcohol and the lack of control over the body and mind when an individual becomes drunk.


The 1960s was a period of change and conflict in America. Describe one such development in THREE of the following areas:Student movements
Women’s liberation
Gay rights


Student movements

African-American college students got very involved in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. For example, four African-American college students started the sit-in protests at the Woolworth's lunch counter in North Carolina. This form of peaceful protest became extremely popular and resulted in the end of segregated seating at this Woolworth's facility.

Women's Liberation

One of the biggest developments of the women's liberation movement was the publishing of the book the Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. This book has sold millions of copies and was known for its radical views. In this book, Friedan discusses how women should not be limited to the role of housewife. Rather, they should follow their own goals and do what they want to do instead of being pressured into societal norms.


The counterculture of the 1960's grew from the development of the Beatnik generation of the 1950's. This group was against organized religion and often experimented with drugs in order to alter their perception of reality.