What is the longest word


Answer 1
Answer: The longest is word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis which has 45 words and this word is a 'disease of the lungs caused by inhaling very fine irritant particles".
Answer 2
Answer: I believe it's antidisestablishmentarianism

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The correct answer is - India.

The Sanskrit language is an ancient language of India. It is a language that is traced back up to 3,500 years. The Sanskrit is part of the big family of the Indo-European languages, and gradually evolving through the Indo-Aryan languages, and ending its development by being part of the Indo-Iranian languages.

This language is the liturgical language of the Hinduism, and also plays a big part in the writings of the Buddhism and the Jainism. The Sanskrit has used the Brahmi script for its written form.

I'm sorry i'm a 6th grader but i'll try but i believe its india

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Because of the moons  size, the moon has less mass than the Earth, which makes the person lighter because of gravity