These small motile gametes fertilize ovum


Answer 1

Gametes are the reproductive cells of an organisms. They are commonly called also as sex cells. The gametes that fertilize ovum are called sperm, which are the male gametes. Female gametes are known as ova or egg cells. The ova mature in female ovaries whereas the sperm develop in the male testes. 

Answer 2
Answer: The small motile gametes fertilize ovum is called sperm

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What is meant by "nutrient limitation"?


The concept of limiting nutrients is essential to understand biological process.The nutrient in short supply relative to the others will be exhausted first and will thus limit cellular growth. 
The usual way of determining which nutrient is limiting is to increase the concentration of one nutrient. If there is no effect some other nutrient is limiting.

Final answer:

Nutrient limitation signifies the slowdown or halt in an organism's growth due to insufficient supply of specific nutrients they need. It's a fundamental principle in ecology observable in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The nutrient that is in short supply typically becomes the limiting factor in organism's growth.


Nutrient limitation refers to the reduction or stoppage of an organism's growth due to a lack of a certain nutrient. This concept primarily comes into play in the world of ecology, where it is observed in ecosystems across the world.

For example, in soil ecosystems, plant growth might be limited by a lack of nitrogen or phosphorous. These are essential elements for the creation of proteins and DNA, and without a sufficient supply of them, plants cannot grow properly. By understanding the principle of nutrient limitation, ecologists can predict which nutrient elements would limit the productivity of an ecosystem under various conditions.

The same principle is also applicable in aquatic ecosystems, where nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and silica can often limit the growth of marine life, leading to nutrient limitation.

Learn more about Nutrient Limitation here:


A species in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range is said to be:


Answer: Endangered

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I need a little help with these biology questions:1. which of the following brought about an increase in human populations by increasing the amount of food and medicine available and decreasing the death rate:
a. industrial revolution
b. world war ii
c. the internet
d. invention of the car

2. which of the following is a direct value of biodiversity:
a. biogeochemical cycles
b. the agricultural value of pollinators
c. regulation of climate
d. provision of fresh water

3. environmental impact of a population includes all of the following except:
a. pollution
b. population size
c. resource consumption
d. predation

4. in what life history pattern does logistic population growth occur:
a. density-dependent pattern
b. opportunistic pattern
c. biotic pattern
d. equilibrium pattern

5. what characteristic of a population increases with plentiful resources:
a. range
b. clumping
c. spatial distribution
d. population density


1. A
2. B (guess)
3. B
4. D (guess)
5. D (most likely)

During photosynthesis, unused oxygen atoms form oxygen gas (O2) which is released as a waste product. How did these oxygen atoms originally enter the plant?They were part of the ATP molecules gathered by the chloroplasts.

They were part of the sugar molecules (C6H12O6) the plant brought in for food.

They were part of the carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules that entered through the leaves.

They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots.


The right answer is D.

The first phase of photosynthesis, called the light phase, requires the illumination of the sheet. This photochemical phase corresponds to the capture of light energy by light-absorbing pigments and its conversion into chemical energy in the form of ATP. In this reaction, the photosensitive pigments ("chlorophyll b", carotene and xanthophylls) absorb and then channel the light energy to the "chlorophyll a" whose electrons are brought to a higher energy potential. In this excited state, the electrons of chlorophyll are derived to a system that extracts and stores their energy for later use in the synthesis of sugars. The result of this electron transfer is the splitting of the water molecules to give hydrogen (H) and oxygen (0) atoms. Oxygen escapes in gaseous form O2 into the atmosphere through open stomata. This whole sequence is done in a fraction of a second.

The reaction is as follows:

H2O ==> 1/2 O2 + 2e- + 2H +

Answer: Option D.  They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots



Photosynthesis defined as the process by which plants make there own food by trapping sunlight and using carbon-dioxide and water to produce glucose as energy.

During photosynthesis oxygen is formed as raw material along with glucose after utilizing carbon-dioxide and water.

Photosynthesis process take place in two stages light-dependent and light-independent process. During the light-dependent reactions,  water molecule releases an electron and oxygen and hydrogen atoms gets free. The free oxygen atom combines with another free oxygen atom and forms diatomic oxygen (O2) that released to atmosphere.

This is how oxygen enters the plants as a part of water molecules. through roots.

What can be said about the polarity of water? A. It prevents hydrogen bonds from forming between water molecules. B. It's the result of a slightly positive charge on the oxygen end of water. C. It causes water molecules to be attracted to other water molecules. D. It's the result of a slightly negative charge on the hydrogen end of water.


The correct answer is option C. It causes water molecules to be attracted to other water molecules.

The water is a polar molecule. The polarity of the water is due to the electronegativity of the oxygen. Due to high electronegativity of the oxygen the bond of the hydrogen and oxygen is pulled towards itself, which causes the appearance of slight negative charge on the oxygen and slight positive charge on hydrogen.

Due to this slight charge, the water molecules are attracted towards one another and form hydrogen bonds.

the answer is C it causes water molecules to be attracted to other water molecules