Read the steps in the process of writing a procedural text1. Create a title
2. Evaluate the process
3. List materials needed to support the process
4. Consider the best method
5. Define numbered steps in the process

what order is most logical?


Answer 1

Answer: 1, 4, 2, 3 and 5.

Explanation: When writing a procedural text, the most logical order to follow is first to create a title, related with the theme of the text, then consider the best method (from the existing ones, to achieve the desired goal), then evaluate the process, to be able to understand it, then list the materials needed to support the process, and in this way have an organized structure, and finally, define numbered steps in the process.

Answer 2


1. Create a title

4. Consider the best method

2. Evaluate the process

3. List materials needed to support the process

5. Define numbered steps in the process




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the answer is A.....

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D. He acts like he’s going to cry.

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agreed to join.
Keep the Comma
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Answer: Keep the Comma - The sentence flows better with the comma after "band," making it clear that Illy Truscott's band is the subject of the verb "needed."

Remove the Comma - Removing the comma could create confusion about who needed the drummer, as it might imply that someone else was searching for a new drummer. However, if the sentence were rewritten to make this clearer ("I agreed to join the search for a new drummer"), then removing the comma would be appropriate.


Keep the comma. In this sentence, so is acting as a coordinating conjunction that connects two independent clauses. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a complete sentence. According to the web search results¹², when so is used as a coordinating conjunction, it should be preceded by a comma. A simple trick to test if so is a coordinating conjunction is to replace it with therefore and see if the meaning stays the same. For example:

Lily Truscott's band needed a new drummer, therefore I agreed to join.

This sentence has the same meaning as the original one, so we can conclude that so is a coordinating conjunction and needs a comma before it.

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Then preliminary research happens, after it a hypothesis... ;)

Which of the following is a sentence fragment? The first tiny purple crocuses bloomed in February. High up in the willow trees in the springtime. Covered in snow, the branches reflected the sunlight.


The correct option is \boxed{\textbf{High up in the willow trees in the springtime}}.

Further Explanation:

The sentences which are incomplete and do not have a complete meaning in it are known as fragments. The words which collectively do not form any complete sense but they look like a sentence. Independent clauses are not present in the sentence fragments. Dependent clauses or phrases can be easily pointed in a sentence fragment. A sentence fragment looks like a sentence as it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. But at the same time, the complete sense is absent in it. A sentence fragment does not have a complete sense in it. A sentence becomes a fragment when either the subject, verb or both are missing.

In the given sentences, the first and the third sentence is complete.

The second sentence is a sentence fragment. The complete sentences carry a complete sense in it while the second sentence does not contain a complete thought. Although it begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, still the meaning isn't clear. There is no independent clause in the sentence. Hence, it is an example of a sentence fragment. The complete meaning of the sentence remains unknown to the readers. The other two sentences carry complete sense in them.

Learn more:

1.  Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

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Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: English Grammar

Chapter: Sentence Fragment


Sentence fragment, Independent clauses, Dependent clauses, complete sense, subject, capital letter, meaning, verb.

Fragment: High up in the willow trees in the spring time.


A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A complete sentence has the following components or parts:

  1. Subject - doer of the action
  2. Predicate - the action or the verb
  3. Complete thought

A fragment is a group of words that do not express a complete thought. They are incomplete sentences. They may lack either a subject, verb or both.

Option 1: The first tiny purple crocuses bloomed in February.

This is a complete sentence. The subjects are the crocuses and the verb is bloomed. It also expresses a complete thought.

Option 2: High up in the willow trees in the springtime.

This is a fragment. It does not express a complete thought. It doesn't have a subject nor a verb.  

Option 3: Covered in snow, the branches reflected the sunlight.

This is a sentence with the subject branches and verb reflected. There is a clear thought about the actor or subject of the sentence and the action.


  1. Learn more about independent clause
  2. Learn more about dependent clause
  3. Learn more about types of sentences

Keywords: fragment, sentence, subject, verb, predicate