Which of the following environmental impacts of mining could result in damage to buildings, including tilting, foundation cracking and disruption of utility lines? loss of biodiversityacid mine drainage
land subsidence
scarring of surface land


Answer 1

Correct answer is C land subsidence

Answer 2


The answer is land subsidence!


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Which is a function of the central nervous system? A. pumping blood through the body B. controlling coordination in the body C. fighting bacteria that enter the body D. breaking down carbohydrates in the body


Answer: B. controlling coordination in the body.


  • The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
  • The central nervous system generates messages in the form of electrical impulses that are carried to the glands and muscles located in the body with the help of the motor neurons.
  • The motor neurons signal these glands and muscles to perform the required function and thus, the central nervous system helps to coordinate the body.
the answer is the second choice B.

Coevolution is a process in which species?A. evolve similar characteristics in different habitats
B. become increasingly different from each other
C. become extinct and are lost permanently
D. evolve in response to changes in each other


Coevolution is a process in which species evolve  in response to changes in each other. If it helped please mark as the brainliest answer,

Birds have ________ and not teeth.
a. jaws
b. molars
c. beaks


Birds have beaks and not teeth.

All birds have some sort of bill or beak. Birds use their beaks to preen their feathers, build nests, and feed their young.

birds have beaks and not teeth 

What causes the wind deflection from the north and South Pole?


Coriolis Force. The winds are deflected because of the rotation of the Earth.

the gravitational pull

Which of the following would accompany a high-fat meal moving through the digestive system? The release of gastrin, which triggers the liver to release bile
The release of gastrin, which triggers the stomach to release pepsin
The release of secretin, which triggers the liver to release bile
The release of secretin, which triggers the stomach to release pepsin


The answer is The release of secretin, which triggers the liver to release bile.

Secretin is the hormone released from the duodenum. It signals the secretion of bile in the liver. Bile helps digestion of lipids in the stomach.
Through the process of elimination:
- Pepsin is a hormone that breaks down proteins to the smaller peptides. So, pepsin does not breaks down lipids of high-fat meal.
- Gastrin is a hormone that triggers the gastric glands to secrete hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen, inactive form of pepsin.


The answer is C


The answer is C

What is a function of cell membranes in humans? 1 : synthesis of amino acids
2 : production of energy
3 : replication of genetic material
4 : recognition of certain chemicals


Cell membrane helps in the recognition of certain chemicals.

Further Explanation:

Plasma membrane is an outer boundary of the cell. It is composed of phospholipids and proteins. It is also called selectively permeable membrane because it allows only selective substances to cross. The transportation of these molecules from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid is called cellular transport. It can be active and passive transport. Active transport required energy for the movement of substances, whereas in passive transport the molecules move across the membrane without using energy.

There are three common cellular substances that can pass through cell membrane are water, carbon di-oxide and oxygen. These substances are transported through passive transport. The carbon di-oxide and oxygen move through the area of higher concentration to lower concentration. The oxygen diffuses into the cell through lipid bilayer because it is more concentrated outside the cell, whereas carbon dioxide diffuses out of the cell because it is more concentrated inside the cell.

Water moves through the membrane by the process called osmosis. It moves freely either through protein channels or by slipping between the lipid tails of the membrane. The water comes from higher concentration to lower concentration.

Learn More-

1. Learn more about a haploid cell during meiosis brainly.com/question/94813

2. Learn more about how are mitosis and binary fission similar brainly.com/question/6462270

3. Learn more about a dividing eukaryotic cell is treated with a drug that inhibits shortening of spindle microtubules. This will cause the cell division cycle to stop at the ____ stage. brainly.com/question/10767798

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Structure of cell


Plasma, membrane, recognition, chemicals, phospholipids, proteins, permeable, intracellular, molecules, oxygen, lipid, osmosis.

The cell membrane functions to recognize certain chemicals. Option 4 is correct.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are found on the cell membrane. Carbohydrates are covalently attached to proteins on the cell membrane to form glycoproteins. Lipids are attached to glycoproteins to form glycolic acid. These are called membrane carbohydrates. Most membrane carbohydrates are found on the surface of the cell and extend to the extracellular compartment. These membrane carbohydrates play an important role in the recognition of cells.

To learn more about the cell membrane, refer to the link:
