Realiza un diagrama de Venn donde se expresen de manera conceptual las diferencias y las semejanzas de ambos textos.Texto 1 es diario de Ana Frank
Texto 2 es noticia de La carrera contrarreloj de Alemania por llevar ante la justicia a los últimos criminales nazis
Realiza un diagrama de Venn donde se expresen de manera - 2


Answer 1


write about the similarities in both texts in the middle of the two circles then what’s different on the sides


Answer 2
Answer: Write about the similarities of both texts in the middle of the Venn diagram and the differences on the sides of the Venn diagrams.

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Please help me :))))))))))))))))))))


Por las dudas debes contarme “aquel” secreto
The answer for this is AQUEL

Can you translate 1-6 for me into English?


1. There once an Aztec Princess who was named Tecuichpotzin Mocteczuma. Like all the other Aztec princesses, she could only marry a prince.

2. There was one problem, the enemies had killed all of the princes. The only princes that survived where the young ones.

3.Tecuichpotzin got married to Cuitlahuac, one of the young princes who survived, but Cuitlahuac then died of the measles six days after the wedding.

4. Then she got married with cuauhtemoc, who was captured and chocked in a fight with the enemies.

5. The enemies did not kill her, but they did change her name to Isabel and married her to one of the conquerors, who died two years after the wedding.

6. Lady Isabel then proceeded to marry three conquerors who also died of unknown causes. What a curiosity?

Drawing from the following pictographs, write ten command phrases. Each phrase must use at least two of the commands, so for example, you could write: "¡Cante y encienda la luz!" but not just "¡Cante!"


The correct commands in Imperative Form are:

  1. ¡Salte y aplauda!
  2. ¡Bostece y ría!
  3. ¡Estudie y aprenda!
  4. ¡Viva y viaje por el mundo!
  5. ¡Trabaje y salga adelante!
  6. ¡Duerma y descanse!
  7. ¡Sonría y sea feliz!
  8. ¡Coma y beba todo lo que quiera!
  9. ¡Despierte y levántese!
  10. ¡Desayune y vaya al colegio!

Imperative in Spanish

The commands are the priority orders or suggestions that are provided to avoid errors, in these cases the imperative conjugation of each indicated verb is used.

In the case of the sentences created for the answer, two conjugated verbs have been written in their imperative form to indicate that there are two orders that must be fulfilled.

If you want to learn more about Imperative Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

Read the sentence in English and then decide if the word in bold type would be ser or estar in Spanish.The university -is- downtown.


Its estar because ser isnt correct
I’m pretty sure it’s estar

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Google maps shows vv

Good luck hope this helps

How do u answer this

¿De dónde vienes?




Translates in English = where are you coming from?

You could start off with "Yo vengo de____" and out the place where you came from
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