Why are you studying english


Answer 1


It's a required class to take in order to receive a diploma and have any hope in life

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The second option


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Answer: A:


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"he.ll nah mama I ain't about to let the whole block catch on fire you trifling bru I'm OUT"



Which sentences contain an adverb clause?Darla set up a studio because she enjoyed painting.
As Aaron was having a midnight snack, he heard a loud noise coming from the basement
The entire town was searching for the girl with the red hair.
They listened to what he had to say but disagreed with him in the end.​



Final answer:

Adverb clauses, often starting with subordinating words, provide additional information to a main clause. In the presented sentences, the adverb clauses are: 'because she enjoyed painting', 'As Aaron was having a midnight snack,' and 'but disagreed with him in the end'.


In English grammar, an adverb clause also known as a subordinate clause, begins with a subordinating word such as although, because, even if, when, whenever, since, as though, whether, as long as, until, or while. It typically modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb in the main clause of a sentence, describing when, where, why, how, how much, or under what condition the action occurs.

Going by this definition, the following sentences contain adverb clauses:

1. 'Darla set up a studio because she enjoyed painting.' The clause 'because she enjoyed painting' is an adverb clause modifying the verb 'set up'.

2. 'As Aaron was having a midnight snack, he heard a loud noise coming from the basement' Again, 'As Aaron was having a midnight snack,' is an adverb clause, explaining when Aaron heard the noise.

3. 'They listened to what he had to say but disagreed with him in the end.' Here, the adverb clause 'but disagreed with him in the end' modifies the verb 'listened'.

Learn more about Adverb Clauses here:



Neither reply nor pity came from him, but in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor. The epic simile in this excerpt shows how helpless Odysseus’s men are in the clutches of the Cyclops. how violently and uncivilized the Cyclops behaves himself. that Cyclops is enormous in comparison to Odysseus and his men. that there is no possible escape for Odysseus and his men.



The epic simile in the excerpt shows that Cyclops is enormous in comparison to Odysseus and his men.


From the excerpt, the Cyclops is described as clutching at Odysseus' companions and catching two in his hands like "squirming puppies to beat their brains out...".

This shows that the Cyclops is reasonably bigger than Odysseus and his men as he could grab at two grown men with his hands and beat their brains out.