What document told the world that America had decided to be a free and independent nation?Articles of Confederation
Declaration of Independence
Mayflower Compact


Answer 1

Answer: The Declaration of Independence


The Declaration of Independence as its name suggests was the document that declared America as a nation Independent from Great Britain. It summarized all of the colonist's concerns against Great Britain.

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W.E.B Du Bois led the Niagara movement  
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How was industrialization similar in Japan and the United States?A. Both countries were forced to industrialize by aggressive neighbors.

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B.) Both countries learned about industrialization from foreign countries. 

Final answer:

Industrialization in Japan and the United States was similar in terms of both countries learning about industrialization from foreign countries, ending their feudal economies by industrializing, and using different methods to rapidly industrialize.


Industrialization in Japan and the United States was similar in terms of both countries learning about industrialization from foreign countries, ending their feudal economies by industrializing, and using different methods to rapidly industrialize.

In both Japan and the United States, industrialization was influenced by foreign countries. Japan looked to Western nations like Britain, Germany, and the United States for knowledge and technology, while the United States drew inspiration from the Industrial Revolution in Britain.

Both countries also transitioned from feudal economies to industrialized economies. In Japan, the Meiji Restoration in 1868 marked the end of the feudal era and the beginning of rapid industrialization. In the United States, the growth of industrialization led to a shift from agrarian to industrialized economies.

However, the methods used to industrialize rapidly differed between the two countries. Japan employed a strategy of government-led industrialization, focusing on key industries like textiles, coal, and steel. The United States, on the other hand, did not have a centralized approach but rather saw rapid industrialization through factors like technological innovation, natural resources, and a large labor force.

Learn more about Industrialization in Japan and the United States here:



An example of due process of law as guaranteed by the fifth amendment


Due process is in this amendment so that the person is guaranteed that they are not deprived of life, liberty, loss of property until certain procedures are carried out.   It assures that the person is not penalized until they are convicted.  This is so a person can have a fair trial.

You are arrested for a crime.  The have to prove you guilty before they can penalize you.  So your freedom, property, and your life are safe from the government until they prove you committed the crime you are being accused of

Which of the following government systems was encouraged by Thomas H0oker?Communism
Constitutional Monarchy
Representative Democracy


Representative Democracy

Thomas H0oker favored only democracy because he thought that no man is naturally subordinate to another without consent and the people has the right to elect representatives for themselves and to precisely assign or restrict the powers of their representatives. 
Representative Democracy 

He was a colonial leader and an outstanding speaker and writer on Christian subject. 
Because of his influence, the world's first written democratic constitution which established a representative government was inspired by him.  
Therefore, it's no question that representative democracy is the type of government he encouraged.

Use the excerpt to answer the following question: The precepts of the law are these: to live honestly, to injure no one, and to give every man his due. the study of law consists of two branches, law public and law private. the former relates to the welfare of the Roman State; the latter to the advantage of the individual citizen. of private law then we may say that it is of threefold origin, being collected from the precepts of nature, from those of the law of nations, or from those of the civil law of Rome. This excerpt from the Justinian Code shows how the Byzantine Empire 1. preserved Greco-roman culture 2. reformed the Roman Catholic Church 3. split from Western Roman legal traditions 4. established an Eastern Orthodox Church separate from Rome


1) preserved Greco-Roman culture

Justinian established the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law), which codified and organized the system of laws for the empire. Justinian ruled as emperor in the Eastern Roman Empire (which we now call the Byzantine Empire) from 527 to 565 CE. The "Justinian Code" of laws codified and preserved Roman law into the Middle Ages. The culture and values of Greco-Roman tradition were embodied in these laws.

The excerpt from theJustinian Code shows how the Byzantine Empire by preserved Greco- romanculture, the answer is number 1. Thank you for posting your question here. I hopethe answer helps.