3 Describe the overall tone of the account and the word choices the author uses to convey it. Cite at least three specific examples from "The Goliath Beetle"​


Answer 1

The most complete types of rhymes are minimal pairs. Words that are not minimal pairs, on the other hand, can still rhyme if the emphasis is on the shared vowel sound.

What do you know about Goliath Beetle?

The Goliath beetle, like other beetles, goes through a life cycle. Metamorphosis is a four-stage change process. This process occurs as the beetle grows. A female was present during the first stage.

The eggs of the Goliath beetle are laid in rotting wood or decaying plants. When an egg hatches, the wormlike larva feeds on wood or leaves. The plant material until it has reached full maturity.

Thus, The most complete types of rhymes are minimal pairs. Words that are not minimal pairs, on the other hand, can still rhyme if the emphasis is on the shared vowel sound.

To learn more about Goliath Beetle refer:



Answer 2


Minimal pairs are the most complete types of rhymes. But words that are NOT minimal pairs can still rhyme as long as the emphasis is on the shared vowel sound.


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(It seems this way)


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Final answer:

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In the story The Medicine Bag, Martin and Cheryl were always excited to visit their grandfather because they had a deep connection with him. Their grandfather was a repository of fascinating Native American traditions, stories, and customs that intrigued the children, giving them an insight into their ancestry and cultural roots. They were particularly drawn towards the 'medicine bag', a symbol of their family's heritage that their grandfather traditionally carried. This mysterious and captivating artifact, filled with sacred items, enthralled them and was a source of joy and anticipation whenever they visited their grandfather.

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Your question was answered already.


Martin Luther King uses the image of a festering boil in order to convince the church of the need to bring the injustice of racism to light. Perhaps the most important aspect of the metaphor, along with the ugliness and toxicity of both a boil and racism, is the fact that to open a boil is a painful and scary process. Just as it is easier in the short term to let a boil stay untouched, due to its sensitivity, the church did not want to address the issue of racial injustice due to the uproar and it would cause in its communities.

Dr. King uses figurative language to compare the pus-flowing ugliness of a popped boil to the violence and disorder that must arise from facing the problem of race relations head on. In doing so, he both addresses the toxicity and ugliness of racism in society, and also the need to go through the painful experience of bringing it to light.

What does pausing before a certain word in the middle of a sentence provide for the listener? a signal that a sound effect will occur soon a reason to go back and quickly reread the text a cue that an important word might follow a moment to look up new terms


What pausing before a certain word in the middle of a sentence actually provides for the listener is that it gives the following: A cue that an important word might follow.

What is a pause?

Pause refers to a temporary stop or break that is done in speech or in an action. Pausing can be carried out voluntarily or involuntarily.

We can see that if there is a pausing before a certain word in the middle of a sentence, it actually helps the listener to get a cue that an important word might follow.

Learn more about pause on brainly.com/question/24789841


a cue that an important word might follow


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The answer is B . The White Witch's magic is weakening . I hope this helps . ;)