What is 17/9 as a whole number
What is 17/9 as a whole number - 1


Answer 1
Answer: Haha, I used to do IXL all the time. Continuing onto the question, it's asking it in mixed number form..

17/9, how many 9's go into 17? I'd say 1 time, or if we 2 we'd go over.

so 1 times 9 = 9

What's the remainder? 17-9=8

so you've got only one whole 9, and 8 left over

so {{ 1 8/9 }} is the answer
Answer 2
Answer: It is 1 8/9 because 9 goes in 17 once and 17-9 is 8 so it is 1 8/9.

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I think it's (A)!! "The US Corn Belt."

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Hope that helped! =)



C= speed of light

So that means energy=mass x speed of light squared