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Moja książka jest gruba.
Poszłam z koleżanką do szkoły.
Oglądałam w kinie " Trzy metry nad niebem"


Answer 1
My book is thick.
I went with my friend to school.
I watched in the cinema "Three Steps Above Heaven"

Answer 2
Answer: The translation is
My book is thick. I went with my friend to the cinema. I watched in the cinema "Three Steps in Heaven"

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B. library staff contact numbers.
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D. library members.


The correct answer is A: Books found within the library.

This is so because the purpose of a library's online catalog is to provide the full stock of the physical library, including not only books but also all the written material and multimedia files in it, as well as their locations and elements (such as author, title, subject, bibliography, etc.), in order to locate them quickly and use them.

A. Books found within the library.

Read the excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone by James Cross Giblin.As he thought about the hieroglyphs in Thothmes' and Ramesses' names, Champollion realized their significance. It went far beyond the names themselves and gave him an insight into the entire system of hieroglyphic writing. For the names revealed that hieroglyphs were not simply representations of sounds. Nor did they have an exclusively symbolic meaning, as Thomas Young and other scholars had long believed. Instead, they were a combination of the two.

What type of reasoning is shown in the excerpt?

A:moving from the big picture of hieroglyphics being both representations of sounds and symbols to the details of Thothmes's and Ramesses's names

B:moving from the big picture of Thothmes's and Ramesses's names to the details of the hieroglyphic translations

C:moving from the details of the individual hieroglyphics to the big picture of hieroglyphics being both representations of sounds and symbols

D:moving from the details of hieroglyphic writing to the big picture of Thomas Young and other scholars


the correct answer choice is C

I would guess C.

I hope it helped. Deepest apologies if I am mistaken. :)

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and I love you.
A. aabb
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Oo oo
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Each ending word, rhymes with the word above it.

Would it be B or C? Which statement would the speakers in "Harlem [2]" and "Hold Fast Your Dreams" most likely agree with? A. Dreams that are kept secret can grow and thrive. B. Neglected dreams have the potential to be dangerous. C. Dreams are precious and powerful things. D. It is best to quickly forget unfulfilled dreams.


C.dreams are precious and powerful things

Can some one help me with at least one question....Shifts in Tense

1.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
As soon as the alarm clock rings, Neal is eager to get out of bed.
Antoine brushed his teeth before he eats his breakfast.
Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.

2. Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
He ate his entire dinner, but his stomach is still growling loudly.
We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
The dog is playing in the yard as Mrs. Smith worked in the garden.

3.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Although few people view Marta's blog, she writes an entry every day.
As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
The performance will begin as soon as the theater becomes dark.

4.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
When Grandpa calls on the phone, he will tell us the big news.
Before this week ends, the broken light fixture will have been repaired.

5.Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in tense?
Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
While Lucy was hiking on the trail, she trips over a tree root and twists her ankle.
After I dry these dishes, shall I put them away?

6.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"While I was cleaning the bathroom,"
I somehow misplaced my toothbrush.
I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
I somehow had been misplacing my toothbrush.

I somehow was misplacing my toothbrush.

7.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"The audience left before"
the movie will be ending.
the movie ended.
the movie ends.
the movie will end.

8.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"As the adults cleaned up"
the children will play with their toys.
the children play with their toys.
the children are playing with their toys.
the children played with their toys.
9.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"Snow had fallen on the ground overnight,"
so we will have gotten our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we got our shovels to clear the driveway.
so we get our shovels to clear the driveway.

10.Which word group best completes the sentence without introducing an inappropriate shift in tense?
"We had been putting away the dishes"
when the guests are arriving.
when the guests arrive.
when the guests arrived.
when the guests will arrive.


The following would be the answer to your questions.
#1 C. Often the baby stands in the crib and holds onto the rail.
#2  B. We are reading these books, which we got from the library yesterday.
#3 B. As Dana was reading a magazine, I use the computer.
#4 A. I will have been cooking for the entire morning when the guests will arrive.
#5  A. Has Jack showed you his photos yet, or is he still telling that funny story?
#6  B. I somehow misplace my toothbrush.
#7 C. the movie ends.
#8  C. the children are playing with their toys.
#9 B. so we will get our shovels to clear the driveway.
#10  B. when the guests arrive.