Segments of dna that contain the code for specific proteins are called _____.


Answer 1
Answer: they are called chromosomes

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The evolutionary mechanism involved is genetic drift. Of the butterfly population, the red and green butterflies survived due to their ability to camouflage into their environment while the brown, orange and yellow butterflies did not because of their wing colors.

Why should scientists consider both the adult body plan of an animal and its pattern of embryological development when classifying an animal? Use an example to support your explanation.


An important reason why scientists should consider both adult bod yplans as well as the pattern of embryological developments is the fact that sometimes, the adult developed animal looks slightly different as to what we would predict judging just by the embryological development when classifying animals. For this reason, using both enables more precise measurement. 


Because it is very rare for animals belonging to different phyla to have the same body plans as adults, which makes this characteristic extremely important for classifying living beings.


When classifying living beings, it is very important that scientists evaluate the embryological development pattern and body tissues. The embryological development pattern, however, can present itself in the same or very similar way in living beings that belong to phyla or to a different taxon. For this reason, the embryological development pattern alone is not enough for the classification to be efficient and correct.

On the other hand, it is very rare that adult living beings from different phyla have the same body plan. For this reason, it is favorable for scientists to use the body plan and the embryological development pattern when it is necessary to classify living beings.

Which process is similar to binary fission? genetic variation
crossing over


The process that is similar to binary fission from the list of options would be mitosis.

Binary fission involves a cell splitting into two cells. The cells are genetically similar.

Mitosis is a cell division in which a cell divides to give 2 daughter cells that are both genetically and phenotypically similar.

Hence, both binary fission and mitosis result in the formation of 2 cells that are similar to their parent cells.

Genetic variation, crossing over, and meiosis all result in variants, unlike binary fission and mitosis.

More on mitosis can be found here:

Mitosis is the process that is similar to binary fission, both are asexual and they both produce an identical daughter cell. So there is no genetic variation like that which would come with meiosis, which is a type of sexual reproduction that produces a daughter cell that has DNA from two different parent cells.

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Soft drinks come in aluminum cans that are readily recycled. Storage of empty cans is never a problem, since aluminum cans are easily crushed because they are very


Reduce Reuse Recycle is an ecological movement where people are encouraged to reduce the usage of plastics and materials, reuse the existing materials and recycle the materials used. This is to maintain ecological balance within the environment. Hence, like aluminum cans and other plastic. 


Malleable. Aluminum is not a soluble substance. Magnetism does not explain the crushability of the can.


A pea plant is heterozygous for both seed shape and seed color. S is the allele for the dominant, spherical shape characteristic; s is the allele for the recessive, dented shape characteristic. Y is the allele for the dominant, yellow color characteristic; y is the allele for the recessive, green color characteristic. Think about the gametes this parent plant will produce. List the alleles in each gamete.


During gametes production, alleles randomly separate producing different combinations in daughter cells. The gametes in this example are YS, Ys, yS, ys.

How are gametes formed?

Gametes are formed during meiosis. Meiosis is a cell division process that produces gametes from germ cells. Through Meiosis, a diploid cell (2n) produces four haploid daughter cells (n).

According to the segregation principle, alleles separate independently during gametes formation.

In anaphase I, homologous chromosomes separate, and each of them migrate to the opposite poles of the cell carrying one of the alleles. This random event leads to different chromosomal combinations in the daughter cells.

Now, let us analyze the problem,

Plant ⇒ heter0zyg0us for both seed shape and seed color ⇒ SsYy

  • S is the dominant allele and codes for spherical shape
  • s is teh recessive allele and codes for dented shape
  • Y is the dominant allele and codes for yellow
  • y is the recessive allele and codes for green

Gametes) YS, Ys, yS, ys.

You can learn more about gamete formation at

So, you would make a punnet square. You would put the capital S and lowercase s on the top of it and then the capital Y and lowercase y on the side. Then you should have SY, sY, Sy, and sy as your outcomes.

Mammals that give birth to under-developed young that must continue developing in a pouch-like structure are termeda. monotremes.
b. marsupials.
c. placentals.
d. bird-like.


The answer is b. marsupials. 

Monotremes, marsupials, and placentals are groups of mammals that mainly differ in modes of reproduction.
Marsupials are the group of mammals that give birth to under-developed young. The young continue their development inside a pouch-like structure. The most famous marsupials are kangaroos, koalas, opossums, numbats, etc.

Monotremes are the group of mammals that lay eggs, so they do not give birth to live young.
Placentals are mammals that give birth to fully developed young. The young develop inside a mother's uterus.