Why does patrick henry feel that the stamp act and other british tax laws are unlawful


Answer 1

Patrick Henry believed they were illegal because there was no justification for taxing them. It was unreasonable and illogical.

Who was Patrick Henry?

The Second Virginia Convention (1775) was addressed by American lawyer, planter, politician, and orator Patrick Henry, who famously said: "Give me liberty, or give me death!" He was a founding father who presided over Virginia's first and sixth post-colonial governorships, respectively, between 1776 and 1779 and 1784 and 1786.

As a representative to the First Continental Congress in 1774, Henry signed the Continental Association and the Petition to the King, both of which he had a hand in drafting. His speech at the convention and the march of troops toward Williamsburg after the Gunpowder Event helped him garner even more support from the people of Virginia.

Learn more about Patrick Henry, from:



Answer 2
Answer: He felt they were unlawful because there was no reason for them to get taxed. It was crazy and unreasonable.

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Beloved Jamaican Folk Tales

I hope that's help:0

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Put the events in the order which they occured|_________________________|
egypt and kush have an independent trading relationship __________________________

egypt want kush's gold attacks and conquers kush

snefru encourages trade between egypt and kush

The two countries are indipendant until both fall hundreds of years later

kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers egypt.


I promise that these are right because I'm looking at the answers because I had the same question.

1. Snefru encourages trade between Egypt and Kush.

2. Egypt and Kush have an independent trading relationship.

3. Egypt want Kush's gold attacks and conquers Kush.

4. Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt.

5. The two countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.

Brainliest Please.

Answer: um i think nvm its wrong sry that i could not help that makes me feel sad :(


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Why are land,capital,labor,and entrepreneurs important for a product?


All of these are key factors in order to reach a competitive product. In order for a product to be competitive, it must have an affordable price, be sought on the market, and what is most important to the capitalist, and it generates profit. That is why the workforce is important, which generates surplus value and that is a part that generates profit. Land as well as physical assets are the source of raw materials, and capital allows them to be purchased. By investing in the purchase of resources, investments are made with the desire to increase. Entrepreneurs are here to connect everything so that with optimal investments, they buy resources at a good price, pay workers, not too much, but to be motivated to work. A successful entrepreneur connects all these factors so that the product obtained is just competitive and earns a profit.


Land, capital, labor and entrepreneurs are important for a product because they are the factors of production needed to make that product.


Production factors is the economic term for the funds needed to produce goods and services. Production factors are traditionally divided into three main groups: labor, capital and natural resources, and they are joined by entrepreneurs in order to product the goods and services to be commercialized.

Natural resources are used to denote all types of natural resources that exist. Resources are scarce, limited.

Capital is used almost exclusively as a designation of real capital, which can be divided into fixed and variable real capital. Capital is, for example, all buildings and machines built by natural resources.

Human capital or education are the knowledge and skills that can create and drive capital or contribute to production. These conditions illustrate the difficulty of precisely defining each production factor.

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