How did the floods help the people in ancient Egypt to build pyramids?


Answer 1
Answer: The floods helped Egypt because it gave Egypt more water to farm their plants with and over all helped them with planting
Answer 2
Answer: it helped beacuse the water cooled off the indiand

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What were the three reasons for American imperialism



1. Desire for military strength

2. Thirst for new markets

3. Belief in cultural superiority


Let me know if you need any other help:))

Final answer:

American imperialism was primarily driven by economic interests, religious motivations, and the desire for national glory. Businesses sought new international markets and raw materials, religious advocates wanted to spread Christianity, and the nation strived for increased global influence.


The three primary reasons for American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were economic interests, religious motivations, and the quest for national glory. First, economic interests were primarily driven by the desire for new markets and raw materials, especially during the Industrial Revolution. American businesses sought to export goods to international markets and procure raw materials more cheaply to fuel the burgeoning industrial economy. The economic depression of the early 1890s only amplified these economic reasons for imperialism.

Second, religious motivations played a significant role in American imperialism. Many believed they were spreading Christianity and the benefits of Western culture to the native inhabitants of colonized lands, often against their will. This was driven by a belief in the supposed superiority of Western values and religion.

Finally, national pride and the desire for increased global influence was a crucial reason. Empire building was seen as a path to asserting American dominance and leadership in the international sphere, comparably equal to the empires of Europe.

Learn more about American Imperialism here:


Explain the significance of the following words ordinance and depreciate


Ordinance: A rule of law that signifies authority and command. It is a command establish for the public to heed.

Depreciation: to lessen the value of something usually a property or an asset. It can also be connected to reducing the purchasing power of money. 


Depreciation  is an accounting method in which a cost is allocated to all the tangible assets over its useful life and used to find out the decline in value. Long term assets are depreciated by the businesses for tax and accounting purposes. For taxes, they can deduct the cost of tangible assets purchased by them for business expenses. While the ordinance is a decree issued by national or state government without the consent of legislature. It is issued for raising revenue or for mobilizing resources during an emergency.

The part of the mantle called the _____ is made of soft rock that bends like plastic!*Answer This ASAP plz* !


The correct answer is the astenosphere. It's part of the earth's crust that's just below the lithosphere and it's really susceptible to plastic flow because the resistance to it is very low. This is where scientists believe that convection occurs in the mantle. It's a very weak and easily deformed piece of the crust.
the answer to this is Astenosphere

What did the Embargo Act of 1807 do?


The Embargo act of 1807  made all the exports and imports from the United States banned/illegal. Meaning that no trading can be done that interferes with America.
It made  all exports from the United States illegal.

Why were the europeans looking for a sea route to asia?


People believed trade was the best way to increase wealth, so they tried to find more ways to get to Asia to trade items.

Who owned land prior to William Bradford's term?A) individual males

B) the church

C) the king

D) the community



The correct answer is D) The Community


William Bradford was an early English Puritan Settler who came to the New World aboard the famous Mayflower.

When he reached the new world, the settlers explored the land and decided to build a town in modern-day downtown Plymouth.

This eventually became the Plymouth colony of which he eventually became the governor. When he came to power, the land was mostly owned by the community, as they were still small in number and governance was still an effort of all people involved.