Deer : woods : : monkey :


Answer 1
Answer: This question in "is to" and "as to".

So, deer is to woods as to monkey is to forest.

Deer : Woods : : Monkey : Forest

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Which answer is a correctly punctuated compound sentence?a. This music is very different I don't know if I like it.
b. This music is very different, I don't know if I like it.
c. This music is very different and I don't know if I like it.
d. This music is very different; I don't know if I like it.


I am going with D.The reason I pick D. instead of C. is because : when the second independent clause begins with a coordinating conjunction, a comma is needed before the conjunction ...

Good Luck.

Read the quotation from "Ain't I a Woman?"Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. How does this quotation support the central idea of the speech?

A) It reinforces the idea that Truth’s personal experiences have greatly influenced her ideas.
B) It reminds the audience that Truth has strong spiritual and political ideals.
C) It supports that idea that women deserve equality by referencing religious authority.
D) It affirms the notion that religion can’t be used as a basis for unequal treatment.


The correct answer is D. It affirms the notion that religion can't be used as a basis for unequal treatment.  NOT C!




4. If you wanted to prove that the farmanimals were not living in "comfort and
dignity," which form of evidence would
provide the strongest support?
A. "Our lives are miserable, laborious, and
B. "No animal knows the meaning of
happiness or leisure after he is a year
C. "We are given just so much food as will
keep the breath in our bodies, and those
of us who are capable of it are forced to
work to the last atom of our strength;
and the very instant that our usefulness
has come to an end we are slaughtered
with hideous cruelty."
D. "This single farm of ours would support a
dozen horses, twenty cows, hundreds of
sheep-- and all of them living in a
comfort and a dignity that are now
almost beyond our imagining."

Which one is it ? Please help!





By reffering to their condition in such strong and bold terms it will almost immediatly attrack the readers attention, causing them to read further into the sentence and because it conttains, in a way, "complicated" words and terms it will most likely be vivid in the mind of the viewer for longer, especially if they're not very well lectured. Also it reffers to things such as slaughter and the human mind is often attrackted so disgrace so most people will be more enthusiastic about that particular sentence, even subconsciously.

Answer: C


What type of poem is "Death, Be Not Proud"? A. Reflective
B. Narrative
C. Discursive
D. Descriptive


This is a reflective poem in which the author, John Donne, speaks his mind about death. It came into existence following an illness which he barely survived, and he speaks what he thinks of death in it.

what page number of the outsiders is this quote They grew up on the outside of society. They weren't looking for a fight. They were looking to belong.”


It's not.

This quote is not in the book The Outsiders. However, it was said by S.E. Hinton, the author of The Outsiders. The quote can be found as the tagline for the movie version of the book. A tagline is the catchphrase for the movie. It is used for advertising purposes to get people hooked and interested in watching. 
Chapter 1 of the book supports this quote when Ponyboy describes the Greasers and the Socs.
I'm not sure if this is the exact words written in the book but I read an article about the book and these words were written by a reviewer. 

The phrase,"They weren't looking for a fight. They were looking to belong.” was supported by the passages found in Chapter 1 page 4 of the book.

Naturalist writers share a set of fairly specific philosophical assumptions. T or F?


The correct answer is True


The term Naturalism refers to a philosophy set of ideas that emerged in the 20th century but that have been applied to other fields including arts, literature, and theatre. In general terms, Naturalism and the adherents of this philosophy called naturalists state the world is governed by only natural forces and that other forces such as supernatural or spiritual forces do not exits. In the case of literature, naturalists writers oppose Romanticism and support writings based on the reality that include philosophical assumptions such as the scientific objectivism or the scientific method and the determinism which is the assumption all events can be explained according to its causes. Considering this, it can be concluded Naturalist writers share a set of fairly specific philosophical assumptions as they all share specific common beliefs such as objectivism or determinism.
