Describe the role of each major endocrine gland?   its not 5 pts its 10


Answer 1
Answer: It seems that you have missed the necessary details for us to answer this question. Please attach first the major endocrine gland that you are referring to so that we can identify the roles of each gland. Let me know if you still need more help on this. Have a great day!

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What would most likely happen to a unicellular organism if it was exposed to a hypotonic solution for an extended period of time?


The answer is that a unicellular organism would swell and burst.

In a hypotonic solution the water concentration of the cell's cytoplasm is lower then that of the hypotonic solution. If unicellular organism is exposed to a hypotonic solution, the water from the solution will enter the organism by the process called osmosis. The aim is to balance water concentration on the inside and outside of the organism. But, that water entering the cytoplasm of the cell will make pressure on the cell membrane. If the excess water cannot be removed from the organism, it will swell and burst.


It would swell and then burst.


A chicken feed claims to produce more eggs. an experiment is to be conducted to determine whether the feed will lead to a higher egg production. it was determined the type of chickens impact egg production, but the amount of water a chicken drinks does not. how would blocking best be used? (1 point) a by blocking on chicken egg production b by blocking on chicken feed c by blocking on chicken water intake d by blocking on chicken type


Blocking would be best used 'by blocking on chicken type'. This means conducting separate trials for different types of chickens while testing the chicken feed because the type of chicken was determined to impact egg production.

In a scientific experiment where the aim is to conclude whether a certain chicken feed leads to higher egg production, blocking would be used to control the variables that might affect the result of the experiment. According to the information given, chicken's water intake is said to have negligible influence on egg production, however, the type of chicken does impact the production quantities.

Therefore, the ideal way to apply blocking to the experiment would be by differentiating the groups of chickens based on their type; this method is referred to as blocking on chicken type. The implication of this is, testing different chicken feeds on different types of chickens separately to ensure the accuracy of the experiment results by eliminating confounding factors.

Learn more about Blocking in Experiments here:


Plz answer i need this done asap Part 2: Give two examples in which solar storms impact Earth.


When the material collides with the Earth's magnetic field and trapped radiation belts, it can dump particles into our upper atmosphere to cause the Aurora.

When this distorted magnetic field eventually snaps back, it accelerates electrified particles towards the Earth.

In _____, one allele is dominant to a recessive allele.incomplete dominance
simple dominance


Answer: The correct answer is- " Simple dominance".

Simple dominance refers to the expression of one allelic form of a gene (that is dominant) over the other form (that is recessive).

Example- T allele is dominant that represents tall plant height over t (for dwarf), which only expresses in the absence of dominant allele.

On the contrary, pleiotropy means one gene is responsible for more than one characteristic or phenotypic trait of the organism.

Codominance means equal expression of both the alleles (like AB blood group) of a gene. Incomplete dominance occurs when none of the alleles is completely dominant resulting in an intermediate phenotype.

Thus, simple dominance is the right answer.

Simple dominance is where one allele is dominant while the other is recessive.

Gene therapy, which includes the correction of defective genes, is a significant part of the human genome project. Which of these is an application of the technique?A: A new protein, which can repair defective genes, is injected.
B: Mutated DNA sequences, which can pair with existing genes, are introduced.
C: The DNA sequences of the entire genomes of disease-causing microbes are compared.
D: A new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "D: A new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced." Gene therapy, which includes the correction of defective genes, is a significant part of the human genome project. Among the following choices, A new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced is an application of the technique.

D: A new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced.

What is the 10% rule ?


During the transfer of energy from organic food to another form only about 10% of the energy is stored as flesh.