Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta cofounded which of the following groups?


Answer 1

Answer: National Farmworkers Association


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In Buddhism, around 270 BC, a warrior named Asoka became emperor of the powerful Mauryan dynasty in India.
After his conversion to Buddhism, Emperor Asoka ceased all military conquest and violence.

C.after seeing much violence and participating in it 


C. after seeing much violence and participating in it


Aśoka was Emperor of Mauria, this territory is part of the current Indian subcontinent. Although there are mixed opinions about the conversion to Buddhism by Asoka, we can affirm that once the war of Kalinga is over, the emperor is filled with remorse and regret for all the violence caused, and from that moment began His conversion. The emperor helped in the expansion of Buddhism throughout the territory.

In what ways should an electronic or scanned resume different from a printed resumeA. None, both our pre-printed forms supplied by the employer
B.special formatting should not be used and electronic resume should be saved as an RTF
C. the only difference is that they are either electronic or scanned
D. the only change required is to save the document as a PDF


The correct answer for this one is this: "D. the only change required is to save the document as a PDF." Electronic or scanned resume different from a printed resume is that electronic or scanned resume should be saved as PDF to avoid other people from editing it. In printed one, there's no problem because it's already final.

What was the Columbian Exchange?


The Bryson Tiller song "Exchange" sang by Christopher Columbus.


The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of goods between the Old World (Africa, Australia, and Asia )and the New World ( Americas ).

What was one of the main reasons Hoover lost the election of 1932?


One of the main reasons Hoover lost the election of 1932 was because the United States economy was in shambles due to the Great Depression, and Hoover was unwilling to do much about it from a governmental standpoint.
Americans felt Hoover's reforms had not done enough to help them directly.

True or false In Russia, when Nicholas II began his rule in 1894, he was determined to enact reforms that would put a share of power in the hands of the people.


No, it is false that in Russia, when Nicholas II began his rule in 1894, he was determined to enact reforms that would put a share of power in the hands of the people, since in fact it was a lack of any such reforms that helped lead to his removal and execution. 

Which was an argument used to justify the invasion of iraq in 2003


The invasion of Iraq in 2003 can never be justified. There is no reason to justify that happening. They invaded a country that is not a threat. They were attacking a defenseless country where after everything they lost more rather than gaining.


Intelligence reports indicated Iraq was seeking to acquire or make weapons of mass destruction.


its really unjustified but that is what the us government said in order to invaid iraq for oil