Explain (in 3-5 sentences) how high unemployment and limited job opportunities in Russia have impacted Russia's younger generation.


Answer 1

Experts agreed that the combination of high Russian mortality rates and low birth rates will affect Russia profoundly in the coming decades.

High mortality rates are affecting all segments of the population. Russian statistics show that by 1999 life expectancy for men had fallen to 59.8 years, from a high of 64.3 in 1966 and to 72.2, from 74.2 in 1990 for women. The current mortality figures do not yet reflect the impact of the spread of AIDS and the rise in number of cases of infectious disease, including those of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis.The causes of early mortality are numerous, and include high rates of suicide, childhood injuries, alcoholism, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Some trends result from the reduction of the state's involvement and the absence of private structures to replace it, especially investment in medical technologies and drugs. Many health problems are the result of a health care focus on communicable diseases and nutrition without corresponding attention to prevention of chronic diseases. Experts disagreed as to whether economic improvement--which could bring enhanced nutrition, better water supply, and a reduction in crowded living conditions--would be sufficient to reverse negative health and demographic trends.

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Use the following terms in the same sentence: water table, aquifer, porosity, and artesian spring.


The sentence will be: The porosity of an aquifer determines its ability to hold water and affects the level of the water table, which can result in the formation of an artesian spring when the water is under pressure and flows to the surface.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a grammatical unit that expresses a complete thought. It typically consists of a subject (the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about) and a predicate (the action or state of being that describes the subject).

In written language, sentences are typically separated by punctuationmarks such as periods, question marks, or exclamation points.

The sentence from the given words will be: The water table is the level below which the ground is saturated with water, and the aquifer is a geological formation that holds water, often characterized by its porosity, which is the ability to hold water; an artesian spring can occur when the water in the aquifer is under pressure and is forced to the surface.

Learn more about sentence here:



The water table where you can find the aquifer and artesian springs is very porosity. So be very careful!

What’s the relative location of Washington Borough??



Washington is positioned in both the northern and western hemispheres. Located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America -

Select the correct answer. The Greek word ethos means: A. Ethics B. Art C. People or nation D. Gender



A. Ethics


What do astronauts take to space?


They bring SPACE food and water (dry food, special water,) 
Special technology for space to look at or bring to the Space Station
Tools in case something goes wrong 

They bring food and water.Not actual food of what we eat on Earth but dry food and a special type of water. they also take clothes and a bathing suit to bath in at the space showers. and other stuff to. Things to help them contact the Space Station if needed or if something goes wrong.

A mixed economy has strong elements of both what ?



A Mixed Economy exhibits characteristics of both market and planned economies, with private and state sectors providing direction.


  • A mixed economy allows private participation in production while ensuring that society is protected from the full swings of the market.
  • Mixed economies allow many more freedoms than command economies, such as the freedom to possess the means of production; to participate in managerial decisions; to buy, sell, fire, and hire as needed; and for employees to organize and protest peacefully.
  • Mixed economies have a high level of state participation and spending, leading to tax-funded libraries, schools, hospitals, roads, utilities, legal assistance, welfare, and social security.
  • Various restrictions on business are made for the greater good, such as environmental regulation, labor regulation, antitrust and intellectual property laws.
  • The ideal combination of these freedoms and restrictions is meant to ensure the maximum standard of living for the population as a whole.


its market ... planned


simplified the first dudes answer

Cities in both South and East Asia:A. have decreasing populations as people leave because of pollution

B. are located inland to provide protection from enemies.

c. have local flora and fauna that contribute to their widely varied

D. are very old, but have expanded and modernized.





d is definitely not the answer and neither is c. so I was left with a and b but b didn't sound right so if I'm correct its a.

Final answer:

Cities in South and East Asia are old but have modernized and expanded. The population trends vary from city to city, with some experiencing growth and others experiencing decline. The diverse cuisines in these cities are influenced by local flora and fauna.


Cities in both South and East Asia are very old, but have expanded and modernized. They are not defined by decreasing populations due to pollution, but rather they experience urbanization and migration trends that vary from city to city. For example, some cities may see population growth due to economic opportunities and urban development, while others may experience population decline as people move to more developed areas.

Additionally, cities in South and East Asia are known for their diverse cuisines, which are often influenced by local flora and fauna. The availability of different ingredients and culinary techniques contribute to the rich and varied cuisines found in these cities.

Overall, cities in South and East Asia are dynamic and ever-changing, with a mix of modern and traditional elements that reflect their historical background and ongoing development.

Learn more about Cities in South and East Asia here:
