How does the atmosphere balance the unequal heating of Earth's surface


Answer 1
Answer: The atmosphere balances the unequal heating of earths surface by moving excessive heat from hot countries like the tropics(Hati) to cold countries like the temperates(Canada) *Vice versa* Moves excessive cold to the tropical regions...

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Answer:The correct answer is option C.


Nuclear decay is shown by those nucleus in which there is an imbalance between the number of neutrons and protons.

  • If the ratio of neutrons to proton is 3:2 than it is a stable nucleus.
  • If the ratio of neutrons to protons is not 3:2 than the nucleus will said to be unstable nucleus and it will undergo nuclear decay in order to gain stability.

Hence, the correct answer is option C.

If a atom is raidoactive or unbalanced, Instability of a atom's nucleus may result form excess of either neutrons orprotons. Which means the answer is letter C

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The things that a scientist should consider while observing the force is the environmental conditions,the force that is expected to act on the dam, the means to contain that force,  and compare different types of designs in accordance with the location of the dam

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can be measured by using humans hair
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Gravity is a force of attraction between objects that is due to their weight and height between one another. a. True
b. False


The statement above is false. The statement should be: "Gravity is a force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses." Mass and weight are often interchanged. Gravitational force depends on the masses of objects, but the size of this force is what weight is. So the relationship is:

Weight = mass x gravitational constant = mass x 9.81 m/s^2

Can you think of a scenario when the kinetic and gravitational potential energy could both be zero ? Describe or draw how this could be possible below


Both kinetic and gravitational potential energy can become zero at infinite distance from the Earth.

Consider an object  of mass m projected from the surface of the Earth with a velocity v.

The total energy of the body on the surface of the Earth is the sum of its kinetic energy (1)/(2) mv^2and gravitational potential energy -(GMm)/(R^2).

here, M is the mass of the Earth, R is the radius of Earth and G is the universal gravitational constant.

The gravitational potential energy of the object is negative since it is in an attractive field, which is the gravitational field of the Earth.

The energy of the object on the surface of the earth is given by,

E_i=(1)/(2) mv^2-(GMm)/(R^2)

As the object rises upwards, it experiences deceleration due to the gravitational force of the Earth. Its velocity decreases and hence its kinetic energy decreases.

The decrease in kinetic energy is manifested as  an equal increase in potential energy. The potential energy becomes less and less negative as more and more kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

At a height h from the surface of the Earth, the energy of the object is given by,

E_h=(1)/(2) mv_h^2-(GMm)/((R+h)^2)

The velocity v_h is less than v.

When h =∞, the gravitational potential energy increases from a negative value to zero.

If the velocity of projection is adjusted in such a manner that the velocity decreases to zero at infinite distance from the earth, the object's kinetic energy also becomes equal to zero.

Thus, it is possible for both kinetic and potential energies to be zero at infinite distance from the Earth. In this case, kinetic energy decreases from a positive value to zero and the gravitational potential energy increases from  a negative value to zero.

How does a scrap heap magnet work? (In detail)


is nothing but a heavy electromagnet. On a soft iron core (because, there should not be any retentivity) thick insulated copper wire is wound. As the magnetic power of an electromagnet is depending upon the current, number of turns in the coil, the copper wire should be able to withstand heavy current and more number of turns will create very strong magnetic field. When the current passes it will become a very strong magnet and will attract all the magnetic materials in the scrap. When there is no current the core gets dememagnetised and all the magnetic materials will be falling down from it . This arrangement is fitted at the tip of the cable of a crane and the operating switch will be near the operators cabin. The crane will be brought near the scrap, and the operator switch the magnet on and all the scrap will be attracted by the magnet. Then the crane will be turned to another place the operator switches the magnet off. All the scraps will be falling down. 
Instead of a soft iron core ( less retentivity) anyother material with high retentivity is used even after switching it off the scrap will not bec falling down.