Montañas altas de Sudamérica?


Answer 1
Answer: High mountains of South America
Answer 2
Aconcagua is el mas alto

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porque esta recordando cuanto amava a esa mujer

No (1) You answered(blank) (usar) el teléfono para hacer llamadas personales. No (2) You answered(blank) (fumar) en los espacios públicos. No (3) You answered(blank) (ocupar / se) de los expedientes médicos, que (4) You answered(blank) (clasificar / los) los estudiantes en prácticas. (5) You answered(blank) (Ser) respetuosos con todo el personal.



No (1) usen el teléfono para hacer llamadas personales. No (2) fumen en los espacios públicos. No (3) se ocupen de los expedientes médicos, que (4) los clasifiquen los estudiantes en prácticas. (5) Sean respetuosos con todo el personal.


We have to use the imperative mode with the verbs:

usar, fumar, ocupar, clasificar, ser

Verbs must be conjugated as the third person plural

Ellos usen

Ellos fumen

Ellos ocupen

Ellos clasifiquen

Ellos sean

Afeitarse arreglarse (el pelo)

cepillarse (los dientes)
cortarse el pelo
despertarse (e ➜ ie)
lavarse (la cara)
pedir prestado, -a (a)
pintarse (las uñas)
vestirse (e ➜ i)
to talk about things you need to get ready
el agua de colonia
el cepillo
el cinturón
el desodorante
la ducha
el gel
las joyas (de oro, de plata)
los labios
el maquillaje
el peine
el pelo
el salón de belleza,
el secador
la toalla
las uñas
to talk about a special event
la audición
la boda
la cita
el concurso
un evento especial
to talk about how you feel
entusiasmado, -a
nervioso, -a
tranquilo, -a



I am able to tell you but just use google translate so it would be much rapido.

Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses.When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect. #1 ¿Por qué __________ Juan Miguel (hablar) por teléfono?#2 Ustedes __________ (hablar) con mi amiga Elena. hablan/ hablas/ hablamos/habla.#3 Quién __________ (necesitar) un diccionario? necesitan necesitamos necesita necesitáis.#4 Juan Gabriel __________ (dibujar) en la clase de arte. dibujan/ dibuja/ dibujo/ dibujas.#5 Tú __________ (entregar) los libros.entrego/entregas/entrega/entregan


habla, hablan, necesita, dibuja, entregas

Give the correct form of the appropriate verb, saber or conocer , which would be used in writing the following sentences in Spanish.12. _______ Maria knew everyone.
13. _______ Because he had already seen the movie, he knew what happened?
14. _______ The student knows the answer.
15. _______ He knows Bach’s music.
16. _______ Do you ( tú ) know who is singing
need this Asap


12. Conocía 
13. Sabía
14. Sabía
15. Conoce
16. Sabes

Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with


It is possible to set some grammar rules in Spanish language. for example:

- Every sentences need a Subject + a verb that correspond to each other 
Pedro escribe cartas de amor
- Adjectives come AFTER the noun.
chica rubio
- to make a negative sentences, you need the word NO before the verb.
- ellos no van a la fiesta


when the subject is masculine then the adjective ends with an "o". If the subject is feminine the adjective is an "a". Also if the subject or noun is plural then the adjective also has to be plural for both feminine and masculine nouns. Adjectives are words that add information about nouns.  Adjectives need to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.