What three biomes get the warmest


Answer 1
Answer: The answers is tropical dry forest, tropical savanna, and temperature grassland.

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Where is the ester bonds in lipids?


The ester bonds in lipids are found where the fatty acids of the lipid join to the glycerol back bone of the lipid.

Lipids are made from two kind of molecules namely Glycerol and Fatty acids.  A glycerol molecule is made up of three carbon atoms with an alcohol group attached to each of the carbon atoms  and hydrogen atoms occupying the remaining positions.

A fatty acids consist of an acid group at the end of the molecule and a hydrocarbon chain.

In a process called esterification, the acid group of the fatty acid joins to the alcohol group of the glycerol molecule and water is released resulting in the formation of a linkage called an ester bond.

A chloroplast is a type of plastid that is involved in the transformation of energy within a cell because this is the organelle in which


Chloroplast is  chloroplast filled organelle that is found in plant cells and some green algae. Chloroplast is a kind of plastid- a round oval  disk-shaped body, that is involved in  the synthesis and storage of food stuffs.

Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green color which results from the presence of two pigments namely chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B. 

A function of these pigments is to absorb light  energy in plants  for powering the process of photosynthesis.


photosynthesis occurs.


Because is right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which of the following structures are found in gymnosperms but not in angiosperms?A. Pollen
B. Flowers
C. Seeds
D. Cones


A pollen, Most plants produce asexually , and pollen is produced. 

How do adrenaline help in dealing with emergency situations


Adrenaline helps in emergency situation by providing energy so that the major muscles of the body can respond to the perceived threat.
In danger, the brain then sends nerve impulses to the adrenal gland in the kidneys. When the nerve signal reaches the adrenal gland, chromaffin cells, in the medulla of the adrenal gland, release epinephrine or adrenaline. It then enters the bloodstream. It is thus carried around the body to cells in various locations, where it initiates several responses.
1. Adrenaline, along with another hormone called glucagon, is responsible for the breakdown of glycogen in liver cells. Glycogen is a form of energy storage. This gives energy to the muscles
2. Adrenaline effects the skin also. Restriction of the arteries is caused by the binding of epinephrine/adrenaline to some alpha-adrenergic receptors. This cuts off blood supply to the skin. This results in the contraction of the smooth muscle cells in the skin, which cause the raising of the hairs on the surface of the skin. 
3. The lungs contain smooth muscle. Epinephrine causes smooth muscles to relax. Specifically, epinephrine binds to beta-2-adrenergic receptors on bronchiole muscle cells. This allows the bronchioles to relax, which enables intensified respiration.
4. Adrenaline binds to beta-adrenergic receptors on heart muscle cells. This causes the contraction rate of the heart to increase. This ultimately leads to increased blood supply to the tissues in the body.

in all organisms, genetic information (dna) that has been transcribed into rna is then translated in ribosomes. which of the following explains why this process occurs in all organisms? (4 points) organisms share similar dna sequences, so the process for decoding them is the same. organisms all have the same types of cells, so their organelles all carry out the same functions. organisms self-replicate, and they all carry out the process in the same manner. organisms share a common ancestor, so they also all share core life processes.



Organisms share a common ancestor, so they also share Co life processes.

What would happen if there was no condensation stage in the water cycle?


There would be no way of getting water in a drought, and the population would drop. Hope this helps!