In impeachment proceedings, the house may ________, but the senate must ________.


Answer 1
Answer: Good Morning!Impeachment is a democratic process, present in the Constitutions of the largest countries in the world. The main function is to remove from power some elected politician who has engaged in crimes, or conducted the country, according to what governs the article concerning impeachment in the code of laws, in a damaging way. In the case of the United States, for the process to come into effect, it is necessary for the Senate to approve the demand from House.The house may impeach but the senate must convict.
Answer 2

Final answer:

During impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives impeaches, or formally accuses, a public official. However, it is the Senate that must convict the official in a trial for them to be removed from office.


In impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach a public official, including the President of the United States. This means that they state their formal allegations, similar to an indictment in criminal law. However, the Senate must then convict the official for them to be removed from office. The trial for impeachment is held in the Senate, and a two-thirds majority is required for conviction.

Learn more about Impeachment here:


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Stress can emerge from important events. but also from less important ones, even from being 2 minutes late for a social event! So A) is false.

There is a positive, motivating kind of stress, and a negative, debilitating one. So the correct answer is: it can emerge b. from both positive and negative events.
Stress can emerge : B. From both positive and negative events.

Example , 
Positive : Stress that all the brides have before the wedding ceremonies
Negative : Stress that are caused after someone was fired from his/her job

hope this helps

Nevertheless I long—I pine, all my days— to travel home and see the dawn of my return. And if a god will wreck me yet again on the wine-dark sea, I can bear that too, with a spirit tempered to endure. Much have I suffered, labored long and hard by now in the waves and wars. Add this to the total— bring the trial on!





Odysseus is the hero in Homer's poem "Odyssey" but he also appears in other works such as "Iliad".

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The government has the right to restrict the number of people who visit the White House. This exercising of the government's authority is called their pluralismjurisdictionpolity.


The answer is "jurisdiction".

The government has the right to restrict the number of people who visit the White House. This exercising of the government's authority is called their "jurisdiction".

Jurisdiction refers to the power or right of a legitimate or political organization to practice its power over a man, topic, or region OR the authority given by law to a court to attempt cases and govern on lawful issues inside a specific geographic region as well as finished certain sorts of legitimate cases.

Jurisdiction over a man identifies with the expert to attempt him or her as a litigant. Ward over a topic identifies with specialist got from the nation's constitution or laws to think about a specific case. Purview over a region identifies with the geographic zone over which a court has the specialist to choose cases. Simultaneous ward exists where two courts have concurrent duty regarding a similar case.

In order to help thestudent expand his/her knowledge I will help answer the question. This in hopethat the student will get a piece of knowledge that will help him/her throughhis/her homework or future tests.

The government has theright to restrict the number of people who visit the White House. Thisexercising of the government’s authority is called their jurisdiction.

The correct answer is Jurisdiction.

I hope it helps,Regards.   

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B) technology
C) cultural leveling
D) cultural adaptation


B. Technology
Attaining a skill in driving an automobile is not by any means culture-related. It is an influence of a global mainstream of the science community which invoked technology into being. Technology encompasses such being able to use your gadgets such as cellphones, tablets and other devices. It also needs to be learned and not by any means under culture. A pilot learning skillfully to manipulate a plane, a captain to his ship and etc. all of which are examples of technological advancement and is global.  

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Just as we can consume food and other material goods, contemporary culture encourages us to consume places, meaning, to purchase images, symbols and experiences of places.

Answer: purchase images, symbols and experiences of places.