Tell what the following people are going to do tomorrow, by changing the present tense verb to the correct form of the future tense. Los estudiantes y yo estamos en la cafetería.

Estudio mucho.

Ellos juegan al fútbol americano.

Examino los cuadros en el museo.

Paco come el pescado.

I'm going to post another question after this if any of you can help me on that one!


Answer 1
Answer: 1) The students and I are going to be in the cafeteria.
2) Study hard tomorrow.
3)They will play football.
4) I will examine the paintings in the museum.
5)Paco will eat fish.
I hope this helps!

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Yes, absolutely it should be that way for any country with an emerging market.


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B) La estufa. hope this helps.

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verb provided?



Yo duermo

Tú duermes

El duerme

Nosotros dormimos

Vosotros dormís

Ellos duermen


Other person is right