How might European interest in exploration have increased as a result of the Crusades?


Answer 1
Answer: European interest in exploration might have increased following the Crusades due to the loss of power in the Middle East and the desire to gain power in other regions and in some ways more importantly more inexpensive trade routes to Asia. In seeking to find a sea route to Asia the Europeans sought to bypass the high costs of land trade and travel through Western Asia following the Muslim victories in the Crusades.

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During the Golden Age of Athens, male citizens


From the options listed, the best is:
could hold an office if they were chosen by lot.

had no control over how they were governed. - this is not true! Athens was known to be a democracy

could hold an office if they were chosen by lot.
-true! this is how democracy works, and Athens was known to be the first democracy

were elected to office as representative officials.
-the thing is, not all citizens were elected,

took part in government only if they were wealthy
-not true! some citizens were poor

Final answer:

During the Golden Age of Athens, all adult male citizens could participate directly in the government. They could sit in the Athenian Assembly, participate as members of the Council, and serve on juries, roles unheard of in many other societies of the time. The system, however, was a limited democracy as women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from participation.


During the Golden Age of Athens, also known as the Classical Greece period (500–323 BCE), the city of Athens developed a system of government unique in the region: a direct democracy. This model of governance allowed all adult male citizens to participate directly in the functioning of the state. However, it is important to note that 'citizenship' was a restricted concept excluding women, slaves, and foreigners from participation.

All male citizens had the right to sit in the Athenian Assembly, which was obliged to hold sessions at least ten times a year. Within this Assembly, all laws were examined, approved, or repealed, and it was the Assembly that held the power to declare war or to validate treaties. Moreover, citizens got the chance to be chosen to sit in the Council, a position limited to two one-year terms over a lifetime, allowing a broad representation of Athenians within the executive branch of government.

Another critical role for the citizens was serving on juries. They were responsible not only for deciding the guilt or innocence of the accused, but they also interpreted the law's application. Despite being a limited democracy, the participation level of male citizens in Athens' governance during its Golden Age was quite remarkable for the era.

Learn more about Athenian Democracy here:


Which of these organizations was largely responsible for prohibition laws that passed in many US states in the 1830s and 1840s? A) American Temperance Society B) American Medical Association C) American Prohibition Movement D) American Colonization Society


The correct answer is A.

The temperance movement was a social movement positioned against the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. It highlighted the negative effect of alcohol on human health and family life. It sought for laws that prohibited alcohol extensively.

Their doctrines sucedeed somehow and led to enactment of the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and to the establishment of the Prohibition from 1920 to 1933.

I would think Answer choice A due to it was the only responsible for prohibition laws the U.S. states in the 1830s and 1840s

Which academy was founded in London in 1660 to promote and encourage the works and ideas of scientists?


The Royal Society. The full name of the group when it originated was "The President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge." The group of science-minded men began their organization in 1660 and sought and received a charter of incorporation from King Charles II in 1662. Some of the key people in getting the group started were Christopher Wren and Robert Boyle. While the Royal Society had official endorsement from the king and to this day continues to have the blessing of the British government, it was and is an voluntary organization, not a government agency. During the Scientific Revolution, the Royal Society served as a clearinghouse of knowledge and a network to connect those pursuing scientific discovery. A great book that shows the role the Royal Society played in the Scientific Revolution is: Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution, by Lisa Jardine (1999).

The answer is The Royal Society.

Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank.He stands looking slowly around, making a supreme effort at self-control. He is weak, ill. His clothes are threadbare.

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Which best describes the purpose of these stage directions?
A.)to show the reader that Mr. Frank is still fearful of being captured
B.)to show the reader that Mr. Frank is looking for Anne’s diary
C.)to show the reader the pain Mr. Frank feels being in the attic postwar
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The correct option is "C.)to show the reader the pain Mr. Frank feels being in the attic postwar"

With the title of The Diary of Anne Frank, we know the edition of the personal diaries written by Anne Frank between June 12, 1942 and August 1, 1944 in a total of three notebooks preserved today, where she tells her story as a teenager and the two years in which he remained hidden from the Nazis, with his German family of Jewish origin, in Amsterdam during the Second World War.

C.)to show the reader the pain Mr. Frank feels being in the attic postwar

How did the colonists feel about the British policy of mercantilism



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President Reagan met with which Russian leader in a series of important meetings..


The correct answer to the question above is Mikhail Gorbachev. President Raegan met with the Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev (the eighth and the last Soviet Union's leader) in a series of important meetings. The Russian leader even visited the White House. 


"Mikhail Gorbachev"
