What is the country that controlled Florida at one time?


Answer 1
Answer: I know it is England. (Sips tea)
Answer 2

Final answer:

The country that controlled Florida at one point in history was Spain. The land was claimed by Juan Ponce de León in 1513 for the Spanish crown. However, the control was unstable and ultimately, in 1819, Spain gave up Florida to the United States under the Adams-Onís Treaty.


The country that controlled Florida at one time is Spain. Spain gained control over present-day Florida in 1513, when explorer Juan Ponce de León claimed the area around today's St. Augustine for the Spanish crown. He named the land 'Pascua Florida' marking the feast day close to the time of his arrival. The Spanish hold was somewhat unstable due to threats from other European powers like England and France as well as the American settlers.

Florida proved difficult for Spain to control as it became a refuge for Native American tribes like the Creek and Seminole Nations and self-emancipated slaves. It was during the War of 1812 when American forces forcibly took West Florida. In 1819, Spain was further pushed to give up its claim on Florida under the Adams-Onís Treaty, wherein the U.S. provided $5 million in return for the control of Florida and gave up, at least temporarily, its claim to Texas

Learn more about Spanish Control of Florida here:



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Final answer:

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Learn more about Henry Hudson's voyage here:



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