What are the two types of landslides?


Answer 1
Answer: the own type of landslides is flows: A flowis a spatially continuous movement in which shear surfaces are short lived,closely spaced and usually not preserved after the event. The distribution ofvelocities in the displacing mass resembles that in a viscous fluid.
and the 2nd type of landslides is falls:A fall starts with the detachment of soil or rock from a steep slope along asurface on which little or no shear displacement takes place. The material thendescends largely by falling, bouncing or rolling.

                     hope it's help you.

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Describe the four drainage patterns.



Drainage patterns refer to the ways in which rivers and streams organize themselves within a landscape as they flow downhill and carry water to larger bodies of water, like lakes or oceans.


There are four primary drainage patterns:

  • Dendritic Pattern: This is the most common drainage pattern, characterized by a branching network resembling the branches of a tree. It occurs when a river or stream follows the path of least resistance, eroding through softer rock or sediment while avoiding harder materials. Dendritic patterns often develop in regions with uniform geology.
  • Radial Pattern: In a radial pattern, rivers or streams flow outward from a central high point, like spokes on a wheel. This often occurs on conical mountains or volcanoes. Water flows down the slopes in all directions away from the summit.
  • Rectangular Pattern: This pattern forms when streams or rivers flow along lines of fault or fracture in the landscape. The streams often take on a right-angle pattern, creating a grid-like appearance. This is more common in regions with a well-defined joint or fault system.
  • Trellis Pattern: A trellis pattern features parallel main rivers or streams with shorter tributaries that flow perpendicular to them. This pattern often develops in regions with alternating layers of resistant and less resistant rock. The main rivers erode along the softer rock layers, and the tributaries develop along the harder layers.

These drainage patterns are a result of the interplay between the geology, topography, and erosion processes in a particular area. They provide insights into the underlying geological features and history of a landscape.

The only central American country with a long history of democratic government is? a. Belize
b. costa Rica
c. Nicaragua
d. Guatemala


The answer is Costa Rica

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So the correct answer is a) Belize although it only became independent n 1981

Australia consists of _________ states and _________ federal territories.a. six; two
b. four; five
c. three; six
d. two; nine


There are 6 states and 2 federal territories

(there are really 3 federal territories but 2 is your best bet)

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i think its because there is lots of pollution because many people live there

Which elevation zone on the image above is best suited for growing coffee, corn, wheat,and tobacco? A.Tierra Nevada B. Tierra Templars C. Tierra Caliente D. Tierra Helada


The answer is B. Tierra Templars (in other words: Tierra Templada)

A is incorrect: In Tierra Nevada, they plant corn, beans, squash, wheat, and coffee. They do plant corn, wheat, and coffee as crops, but tobacco is not included.

C is incorrect: In Tierra Calente, they plant sugar, bananas, coffee, and tobacco. They do plant coffee and tobacco, but corn and wheat is not included

D was ALMOST correct, but it's incorrect: In Tierra Helada, they plant corn, wheat, coffee, and flowers. Corn, coffee, and wheat is one of their crops, but tobacco isn't included
The answer is B. Tierra Templars

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n irrigation system, developed in Iran, that taps into groundwater through a ... the urban center of an Islamic city; it is dominated by a central mosque and bazaar.
