What was the economy based on in the North?


Answer 1
Answer: The north's economy was mainly textiles in the 1800's and a lot of factor work with all the new inventions being made during this time being and industrial revolution.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The economy in the North was primarily built on industry and manufacturing due to the Industrial Revolution. Additionally, the North had a significant trade and commerce industry.


The economy in the North during the 19th century in America was primarily based on industry and manufacturing, due to the Industrial Revolution. While the South was largely agricultural, the North developed factories that produced goods such as textiles, shoes, and machinery. This industrialization led to a rise in wage labor as more people moved to cities to work in factories. Additionally, the North had a substantial economy based on trade and commerce, with a significant maritime industry.

Learn more about Northern Economy here:



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The answer is D. I had this question on a USATestPrep and it said it was right.


D) the Radical Republican Plan

Why did the Roman Catholic Church became powerful in Western Europe?


During the earlier Middle Ages the literacy rates were very low and only about 3% of people could read or write, most being monks. The Pope abused that power over the people by telling them that he was the mouth piece of God and that the people should come to him for salvation. For example, in the Crusades Pope Urban the II told people that if they fought in the Crusades they would earn salvation. And they believed him since he was the ¨Mouth Piece of God.¨ Later the Pope started to tell people that they could pay indulgence meaning they could pay a certain amount of money to the church and in return, they would have to spend as much time in purgatory. Purgatory was a place that the Pope made up to gain money and was the place in between heaven and hell. The only way you would go to purgatory was if you weren't good enough to go to heaven or bad enough for hell.

Hope this helps - would love a brainliest too I´m trying to get to the next level!

Final answer:

The Roman Catholic Church became powerful in Western Europe primarily due to its role as a stabilizing force post the Western Roman Empire collapse, its economic power as the largest landowner, its spiritual control over the sacraments, and its role as the prime educator.


The Roman Catholic Church became powerful in Western Europe due to several reasons. First, during the Middle Ages, the Church essentially became the unifying force in Europe as it was the one institution that stayed intact while the Western Roman Empire collapsed. The Church provided a sense of stability and order in a time of chaos and confusion.

Second, the Church was the biggest landowner in Europe which gave it tremendous economic power and influence. It collected taxes from these lands, known as tithe, which further increased its wealth and power.

Third, the Church held immense spiritual authority by controlling the sacraments and access to eternal salvation. This control over people's spiritual lives further amplified its authority. Lastly, the Church was the main educator in Europe at the time, which meant that it had significant influence over what was taught and believed.

Learn more about Scarcity here:



Write a two paragraph persuasive essay on how important economic resources are in society


I would suggest the main importance of economics is helping society decide on the optimal allocation of our limited resources. The fundamental problem of economic is said to be scarcity - the idea that wants (demand) is greater than the resources we have. Frequently we face choices on:

What to produceHow to produceFor whom to Produce

Economics helps to decide on questions like this. More specifically economics is important in these areas.

How to manage the macro economy.

Economists can advise governments how to manage the economy and avoid problems such as inflation and unemployment. Both inflation and mass unemployment can be devastating for society. Economists argue that both can be avoided through careful economic policies. For example:

Policies to reduce unemploymentPolicies to reduce inflation

If economics can help reduce unemployment, then it can make a big improvement to economic welfare. For example, the mass unemployment of the 1930s great depression, led to much political instability and the rise of extremist political parties across Europe.

However, the problem is that economists may often disagree on the best solution to these problems. For example, at the start of the great depression in 1930, leading economists in the UK Treasury suggested that the UK needed to balance the budget; i.e. higher taxes, lower unemployment benefits. But, this made the recession deeper and led to a fall in demand. 

It was in the great depression that John Maynard Keynes developed his general theory of Employment, Income and Money. He argued that classical economics had the wrong approach for dealing with depressions. Keynes argued that the economy needed expansionary fiscal policy. - higher borrowing and government spending.

2. Overcoming Market Failure.

Generally it is considered that free markets offer a better solution than a planned economy (Communist) However, free markets invariable lead to problems such as

The over production of negative externalities (e.g. pollution)The underproduction of goods withpositive externalities (e.g. education, health care, public transport).Non provision of Public Goods

An economist can suggest policies to overcome these types of market failures. For example

Tax negative externalitiesSubsidise public services like health care and education.

The importance of economics is that we can examine whether society is better off through government intervention to influence changes in the provision of certain goods.

Some Topical Issues Economists are concerned with
Carbon Tax - should we implement a carbon tax to reduce global warming.Should we tax fatty foods?Arguments for Road pricing

Another area where economists have a role to play is in improving efficiency. For example economists may suggest supply side policiesto improve the efficiency of an economy.

Individual Economics

Economics is also important for an individual. For example, every decision we take involves an opportunity cost - which is more valuable working overtime or having more leisure time?

According to Roman Catholic tradition, Peter was the first ____ of Rome


He was the first pope.

In South Africa, the President is elected by members of the National Assembly who are elected by the citizens. This means that South Africa has WHICH type of government?A)
unitary system
direct democracy
confederal system
parliamentary democracy

Please help, Ill give 5 stars, thanks, and Best answer (Need help quick)


The President iselected by membersof the National Assembly through a Parliamentarydemocracy type of government.

What is Parliamentary democracy?

A democratic type of government known as a parliamentary system is one in which the party  with the most representation in the legislature establishes the government, with the leader of that party serving as prime minister or chancellor.

Decisionsare made in Cabinet meetings since it is not practicable for all ministers to meet frequently and discuss everything.

Because of this, parliamentary democracy is frequently referred to as the Cabinet form of governance in most nations. The Cabinet functions as a unit.

Presidential democracies are those in which the existence of the government does not depend on a parliamentary majority.

Parliamentary democracies are those in which the head of state is not chosen by the people for a set term and the existence of the government is dependent on a legislative majority.

Learn more about Parliamentary democracy, here



♥ In South Africa, the President is elected by members of the National Assembly who are elected by the citizens. This means that South Africa has parliamentary democracy