The word theory used in a scientific sense most closely means


Answer 1
Answer: The word "theory" used in a scientific sense most closely means a prediction, or hypothesis.

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I hope it helps, Regards. 

Answer: Bananas

It has the most carbohydrates per gram at 34 based on the chart

Diffusion continues until


diffusion occurs due to differences in concentration of substances in different regions. then substances will naturally spread out (due to innate Brownian kinetic energy). the spreading I. e. diffusion will stop until equilibrium is achieved.
note: those substance particles are still moving due to the innate Brownian kinetic energies!

Final answer:

Diffusion is the process where molecules move from higher to lower concentration areas. It continues until a state of equilibrium is reached, at which the particles continue to move but their distribution remains constant.


In biological terms, diffusion is the process by which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This passive movement continues until it reaches a state we refer to as equilibrium. At equilibrium, there is a uniform concentration across the space, and diffusion continues, albeit without any net change, as particles continue to move randomly but their overall distribution remains constant.

Learn more about Diffusion here:


A biology student is studying ways to grow crops in soils that are high in salts and other dissolved solids. To determine whether corn plants can tolerate salty soil conditions, she grows 50 corn plants in typical garden soil and the same amount of corn plants in garden soil plus varying amounts of salt: 0.01 kg, 0.1 kg, and 1 kg of salt. After 6 weeks of growth, there was an inverse relationship between amount of salt in the soil and plant height: the more salt present, the shorter the plants. The student concluded that salt had did have an effect on the growth of corn. What was the control in the experiment?


Number of corn plants
corn and plants ..corn is control in experiment

How does using iodize salt help in preventing thyroid problem?



"Iodine" is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our body, since it is a key component of the thyroid hormones that produce the thyroid gland and also the human body cannot produce it by itself, so it is necessary that Enter through food or supplements.


Thyroid hormones have vital functions such as regulating energy metabolism and nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They also affect tissue growth, especially the nervous; They also participate in the regulation of body temperature.

That is why the adequate supply of iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid, but if it is excessive it can cause health problems such as hyperthyroidism; and if its contribution is too low, it can generate hypothyroidism or even irreversible consequences if this deficit is severe or occurs, for example, in pregnancy, lactation or first year of life.

The daily needs of iodine are actually very small, 150 micrograms per day for adults and adolescents; What happens is that it increases almost double during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

the body doesnt make iodine so its a essential part of your diet

How can an injury to a peripheral nerve cause loss of both sensory and motor functions?


The reason is that peripheral nerves have both sensory and motor fibers. 

Through these sensory fibers, peripheral nerves receive signal and send them to the brain. Also, through motor fibers, 
peripheral nerves send information to the muscles. When a peripheral nerve is damaged, the both functions will be lost.

Describe dominant allele????????


"One whose trait is always shows up in the organism when the allele is present".