Which options most accurately describe the information that should be included in note-taking? SELECT ALL THAT APPLYA) name
B) dates
C) key words
D) main ideas


Answer 1
Answer: I think: B,C,D. You do not need to write notes on a thing that you will only see, but you need a date, key words, and main ideas.
Answer 2
Answer: The information that should be included in note-taking are B,C and D. You don't need your name unless you are going to share your notes with anyone.

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b. will be lower if consumers perceive mobile phones to be a necessity.


The price elasticity of demand is described as the percentage variation in the demanded quantity of service or goods divided by the change in the percentage of the price. And henceforth it describes the responsiveness of the demanded quantity to a price change. And now if the mobile phones are thought of as being the necessity then the price will increase as demand will increase, and hence the price elasticity of demand will be lower. And if there is an improvement in the production technology then the price will be lowered, and hence price elasticity of demand will be less as the change in the percentage of the price will be negative. And the exact definition of it as we have described above. Hence, b is correct options.

how do you make a circuit so 1 switch will turn on/off all the lights(3 lights) and a second switch will change the lights from all being the same brightness to all being different brightnesses?



The three bulbs can be connected in series to the battery B1, such that when switch SW1 is turned ON all three bulb turns ON with the same brightness. We now have the three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected in parallel to the lamps LMP1, LMP2, and LMP3 respectively when SW2 turn on. SW2 is a Three Pole Single Throw switch. Please see attachment for the electric circuit diagram.



How do you make a circuit so 1 switch will turn on/off all the lights(3 lights) and a second switch will change the lights from all being the same brightness to all being different brightness?


List of Component Used For The Design Of The Electric Circuit

The three bulbs can be connected in series to the battery B1, such that when switch SW1 is turned ON all three bulb turns ON with the same brightness. We now have the three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected in parallel to the lamps LMP1, LMP2, and LMP3 respectively when SW2 turn on. SW2 is a Three Pole Single Throw switch. Please see attachment for the electric circuit diagram.

1. 18Volt Battery ( two 9 Volts batteries connected in series)

2. Three Filament lamps LMP1=LMP2=LMP3= 6V 6W.

3. Three resistors of R1=100Ω, R2=12Ω and R3=3Ω

4. SPST Switch =SW1

5. TPST Switch = SW2

Since the battery is 18V and connected in series to all three lamps, it is capable of delivering 6V per lamp. Each lamp is 6W. So the resistance of the bulb can be determined using Ohm’s law.

V=IR, P=IV = V2/R, R=V2/P

Where I= Current

V= Voltage

R= Resistance

P = Power

Lamp Resistance RL= 62/6 =6Ω

Total resistance of the lamps connected in series Rs= 6+6+6 = 18Ω

The total current through the series resistor combination IS = Battery supplied voltage divide by RS =18/18 =1A

So each lamp will dissipate power PL= I2*R= 1*6 =6W

When switch SW2 is closed, there is now a resistor connected in parallel to each of the lamp which will now reduce the total resistance combination of the lamp and resistors to a values lower than 6Ω

Lamp1 has 100Ω connected in parallel to it to give a total resistance of 5.66Ω

Lamp2 has 12Ω connected in parallel to it to give a total resistance of 4Ω

Lamp3 has 3Ω connected in parallel to it to give a total resistance of 2Ω

The new total resistance of the circuit is now R=5.66+4+2 = 11.66Ω

The new total current flowing through the circuit I=18/11.66 = 1.54A

The power dissipated by each lamp with a new series current of 1.54A can now be recalculated as follows;

Power dissipated by Lamp 1 P1= 1.542*5.66Ω = 13.42W

Power dissipated by Lamp 2 P2= 1.542*4Ω = 9.49W

Power dissipated by Lamp 1 P1= 1.542*2Ω = 4.74W

From the power dissipated by the 3 bulbs, we can see that lamp 3 is bright, lamp 2 is brighter and Lamp 1 is the brightest of all the three lamps.

Parallel circuit. On a wire you put the lights and one switch, on the other you put a resistor and another switch. (and the third wire contains the generator)

____ refers to data, applications, and even resources stored on computers accessed over the Internet. Answera. Embedded computing
b. The Ethernet
c. Telecommuting
d. Cloud computing


The answer is (d.) Cloud Computing

The Cloud computing refers to the type of computing the enables the sharing of data, applications, and even the resources on the computers or other devices to be access over the internet rather than on local server on the local computer.

Mobile devices need to work within limited screen space .


True. Mobile devices need to work within limited screen space. Mobile devices are designed to be portable and designed to be carried around without hassle. Mobile devices are used for personal activities such as talking privately, chatting and many more that is why it is designed to be small.

Provide a reflection of at least 750 words (or 2.5 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of Database systems course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to the current work environment (Information technology) If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories, and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: 1. Provide a 1000 word (or 3.5 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. 2. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Must have all required APA components: cover sheet, references as needed, and others.


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