Which nation was the world's economic leader after world war 1 A. Germany B. the United States C. German Americans D "irreconcilables"


Answer 1
Answer: it's A I believe because US never change leader afterwards

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The Stamp Act Congress issued a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances,” which, like the Virginia Resolves, declared allegiance to the King and “all due subordination” to Parliament, but also reasserted the idea that colonists were entitled to the same rights as native Britons. Those rights included trial by jury, which had been abridged by the Sugar Act, and the right to only be taxed by their own elected representatives. As Daniel Dulany wrote in 1765, “It is an essential principle of the English constitution, that the subject shall not be taxed without his consent.” Benjamin Franklin called it the “prime Maxim of all free Government.” Because the colonies did not elect members to Parliament, they believed that they were not represented and could not be taxed by that body. In response, Parliament and the Ministry argued that the colonists were “virtually represented,” just like the residents of those boroughs or counties in England that did not elect members to Parliament. However, the colonists rejected the notion of virtual representation, with one pamphleteer calling it a “monstrous idea.”

The second type of resistance to the Stamp Act was economic. While the Stamp Act Congress deliberated, merchants in major port cities were preparing non-importation agreements, hoping that their refusal to import British goods would lead British merchants to lobby for the repeal of the Stamp Act. The plan worked. As British exports to the colony dropped considerably, merchants did pressure Parliament to repeal.

The third, and perhaps, most crucial type of resistance was a popular protest. Violent riots broke out in Boston, during which crowds, led by the local Sons of Liberty, burned the appointed stamp collector for Massachusetts, Peter Oliver, in effigy and pulled a building he owned “down to the ground in five minutes.” Oliver resigned from the position of stamp collector the next day. A few days later a crowd also set upon the home of his brother-in-law, Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, who had publicly argued for submission to the stamp tax. Before the evening was over, much of Hutchinson’s home and belongings had been destroyed.

Popular violence and intimidation spread quickly throughout the colonies. In New York City, posted notices read: “PRO PATRIA, The first Man that either distributes or makes use of stamped paper, let him take care of his house, person and effects. Vox Populi. We dare.” By November 16, all of the original twelve stamp collectors had resigned, and by 1766, Sons of Liberty groups formed in most of the colonies to direct and organize further popular resistance. These tactics had the dual effect of sending a message to Parliament and discouraging colonists from accepting appointments as stamp collectors. With no one to distribute the stamps, the Act became unenforceable.

Explanation: Resistance took three forms, distinguished largely by class: legislative resistance by elites, economic resistance by merchants, and popular protest by common colonists. Colonial elites responded with legislative resistance initially by passing resolutions in their assemblies. The most famous of the anti-Stamp Act resolutions were the “Virginia Resolves” that declared that the colonists were entitled to “all the liberties, privileges, franchises, and immunities . . . possessed by the people of Great Britain.” When the resolves were printed throughout the colonies, however, they often included three extra, far more radical resolves not passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses, the last of which asserted that only “the general assembly of this colony have any right or power to impose or lay any taxation” and that anyone who argued differently “shall be deemed an enemy to this his majesty’s colony.” The spread of these extra resolves throughout the colonies helped radicalize the subsequent responses of other colonial assemblies and eventually led to the calling of the Stamp Act Congress in New York City in October 1765. Nine colonies sent delegates, including Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Philip Livingston, and James Otis.

Which is the first book written on Nepalese history? Who wrote it​


An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali iAn Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal' prepared in 1793 by an Englishman William J. Kirkpatrick is considered in the first book of Nepalese history while Ambika Prasad Upadhaya wrote the first history book in Nepali in 1929.

10. The ancient Greek city-state of Athens created the world's first Communism.True



I would have to say false


You see Athens had actually created Democracy, which gave the men rights.