What is a antonym for microphone


Answer 1
Answer: Antonym for microphone is whisper or murmur
Answer 2
Answer: An antonym for microphone can be, said quietly, or whisper :) Hope it helped :) 

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This is a key event in The Call of the Wild.Thornton knelt down by Buck’s side. He took his head in his two hands and rested cheek on cheek. He did not playfully shake him, as was his wont, or murmur soft love curses; but he whispered in his ear. “As you love me, Buck. As you love me,” was what he whispered. Buck whined with suppressed eagerness.

How does the event affect plot development?
A. It shows that Thornton and Buck are carefree and do not take things seriously.
B. It makes Buck appear to be a disobedient pet that Thornton cannot control.
C. It shows that Buck and Thornton have a true understanding of each other’s needs.
D. It makes Thornton and Buck appear to have a lack of trust for each other.



The best answer to the question: How does the event affect plot development, would be: C: It shows that Buck and Thornton have a true understanding of each other´s needs.


"The Call of the Wild" is a novel that was written by Jack London, and which was published in 1903. In this particular excerpt, which makes part of the events that take place in chapter 6 of the book, Buck, and Thornton are challenged to prove that Buck can pull a sled that has been overloaded with some really heavy products, several yards. Bets are made and the people of the town do not think such a feat is possible, regardless of how powerful Buck may look, as a sled dog. As the two of them get prepared, Thornton approaches Buck and says "As you love me, Buck. As you love me." The dog responds to the only master he has ever really loved, with a loving gesture of his own, and after this, starts to pull and manages to win the bet. The exchange between Thornton and Buck, and the success of their enterprise, show the connection between the two of them, and that is why C is the correct answer.

I'd say the answer is C

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Which of the following is true of an ellipsis?It shows a change in who is speaking in a narrative.
It shows something is intentionally missing.
It shows something has significantly changed.
It shows when a character is speaking.


It shows that something is intentionally missing. It is skipping out a part of a sentence, whether it be the start, middle or end. It means you took out a part from the sentence, like taking a citation from reference. At the start of a quote you may use (...) 

Answer: C.

Explanation: C is correct answer

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Choose the source that would support or defend the following assertion. The cost of sponsoring our uniforms for the bike race is much less than a radio ad campaign, and you will reach just as many people. a price-list for sponsoring the uniforms a newspaper article exploring alternatives to radio and television advertising a proposal from a local radio station detailing a popular ad plan a website that promotes using fund-raisers as team-building activities for clubs and teams both choice 1 and choice 3 both choice 2 and 3


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