What are the differences between german and english schools


Answer 1
Answer: German school is a lot harder and after elementary school they go to different schools (low level middle level and high level) and they make an a-level which is a lot harder than the american state tests ;)
Answer 2
Answer: German children generally start school later than English (Germans start about age 5).
German schools often start slightly earlier and end earlier, around 1pm. They also tend to go to school on Saturdays.
Most German schools don't have a school uniform.
Although, obviously these things will vary in different areas. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!

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Den Golf Ball schlagen ist in der Akkusativ
If the substantive is on singular, DEN is typical for AKKUSATIV

What is the difference between "Herr" and "Herrn"?


Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

It's important to realize something about German: cases.
There are four different cases in German, and they are:
nominative - when something acts as a subject
(the person doing the action)
accusative - when something acts as a direct object
(the thing the action happens to)
dative - when something acts as an indirect object
(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)
genitive - when something acts as possessing something.
(the person to whom something belongs)

Here's a sample sentence.
He came into the garage and stole John's bike.
The subject, he, is nominative.
The direct object, the bike, is accusative.
The indirect object, the garage, is dative.
The person possessing something, John, is in the genitive.

In English, cases don't matter very much.
However, in German they are extremely important.
German cases even change how to write and say words.
(This is called declension.)

Herr will appear as Herrn because of its declension.
In the nominative, it's Herr.
In any other case, it's Herrn. (i.e., when it's acting as the object of a sentence)
When it's plural, it's always Herren.

Herr, in German, means mister, sir, gentleman, or in elevated cases, lord or master.

What does the words mean?

It's important to realize something about German: cases.

There are four different cases in German, and they are:

nominative - when something acts as a subject (the person doing the action)

accusative - when something acts as a direct object

(the thing the action happens to)

dative - when something acts as an indirect object(like accusative but preceded by to, at, in, etc.)

genitive - when something acts as possessing something. 8the person to whom something belongs)

Leaen more about Germany



Ist dir warm? ____ das Fenster____. (aufmachen)
please help i’ll mark brainliest



Machen das Fenster auf.


Mach das Fenster auf.

Is this German sentence correct? Heute ist meine Stadt äußerst laut und gibt es keinen Flughafen. gibt es or es gibt? Any other errors let me know...



it is right


Ist " Eine Runde Golf gewinnen." Akkusativ oder Dativ


Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das es Akkusativ ist . 
Sicher ist Akkusativ...EINE Runde

(die Runde is subst. fem. and in Dativ is EINER Runde)

What are some advantages and disadvantages of (your) school/school rules? In german, and say what it means too. please.


We can go wherever we want to for lunch. = Wir können in der Mittagspause hingehen wo wir wollen.
By having rules in school you also learn to follow rules in life. = Durch Regeln in der Schule lernt man Regeln auch im späteren Leben zu folgen.
Because our breaks in school are so short, students are late for their classes. = Weil die Pausen in der Schule so kurz sind, sind Schüler spät zu ihren Stunden.
Because school starts early, most students are tired and don´t want to learn. = Weil Schule früh startet, sind viele Schüler müde und wollen nicht lernen.
our school is on computers students can just put a checkmark that they did it =
unserer Schule ist auf Computern Studenten setzen Sie einfach ein Häkchen, dass sie es getan hat. our school is at home :D = unserer Schule ist zu Hause.

Hope this helped you! = Hoffe, das Ihnen geholfen!