The following data were gathered to use in reconciling the bank account of Photo Op. Company: Balance per bank $ 18,100 Balance per company records 8,420 Bank service charges 20 Deposit in transit 3,100 Note collected by bank with $140 interest 5,400 Outstanding checks 7,400
The following data were gathered to use in reconciling the - 1


Answer 1


What is the correct bank reconciliation?

The correct bank reconciliation would be as follows: Balance per company records 8,420 Bank service charges 20 Deposit in transit 3,100 Note collected by bank with $140 interest 5,400 Outstanding checks 7,400 Balance per bank 18,100

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Source: Dutch missionary John Megapolensis on the Mohawks (Iroquois), 1644, Smithsonian(John became the town's first pastor at Fort Orange (near Albany). As pastor he was not allowed to farm or trade, but received supportfrom the town, while diligently performing his duties, which included teaching the Indians about Christ.)The Women are obliged to prepare the land, to mow, to plant, and do every Thing: the Men do nothing except hunting, fishing, and goingto War against their Enemies: they treat their Enemies with great Cruelty in Time of War, for they first bite off the Nails of the Fingers oftheir Captives, and cut off some joints, and sometimes the whole of the Fingers; after that the Captives are obliged to sing and dancebefore them..., and finally they roast them before a slow Fire for some Days, and eat them. ... Though they are very cruel to theirEnemies, they are very friendly to us: we are under no Apprehensions from them....They are entire Strangers to alt Religion, but they have a Tharonhijouaagon, (which others also call Athzoockkuatoriaho) i.e. a Geniuswhich they put in the Place of God, but they do not worship or present offerings to him: they worship and present offerings to the Devilwhom they call Otskon or Airekuoni. ... They have otherwise no Religion: when we pray they laugh at us; some of them despise itentirely, and some when we tell them what we do when we pray, stand astonished. When we have a Sermon, sometimes ten or twelve ofthem, more or less, will attend, each having a long Tobacco Pipe, made by himself, in his Month, and will stand a while and look, andafterwards ask me what I was doing and what I wanted, that I stood there alone and made so many Words, and none of the rest mightspeak? I tell them I admonished the Christians, that they must not steal, ... get drunk, or commit Murder, and that they too ought not todo these Things, and that I intend after a while to preach to them. ... They say I do well in teaching the Christians, but immediately addDiatennon jawi Assyreoni hagiouisk, that is, why do so many Christians do these things. They call us Assyreoni, that is, Cloth-Makers, orCharistooni, that is, Iron Workers, because our People first brought Cloth and Iron among them...HIPP+:Historical Context:Intended Audience:Author's Purpose:Author's Point of View+Other Context (similar in kind, from a different time):
The compound K2O2 also exists. a chemist can determine the mass of K in a sample of known mass that consists of either pure K2O or pure K2O2. From this information, can the chemist answer the question of which compound is in the sample?
Chapters 1-3 Reading QuizName1. Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson?She challenged gender roles and Puritan orthodoxy.B She was found guilty of practicing witchcraft.She preached the doctrine of predestination.DShe gave birth to a child out of wedlock.She opened an unlicensed tavem.

Why were the Founding Fathers referred to as “gods”? Do you agree or disagree with this analogy? Why or why not?



Explanation: They wanted to worship and govern themselves in whatever manner they deemed true.

What can be used to nudge people's attitudes and decisions?heuristics
confirmation bias


Algorithms can be used to nudgepeople's attitudes and decisions

Algorithmic nudging tactics are used in work environments as firms are using texts, gamification, and push notifications to influence their workforce.

Nudge theory states that if an individual wish to alter people's behaviour in a particular direction, it's more effective to encourage positive choices instead of restricting unwanted behaviour with punishment.

Conclusively, A nudge helps people make the right choices for themselves without hindering their freedom of choice.

Learn more from

Answer: Framing


Explanation: Just like you're bumping or throwing a fist at someone, it can change their attitude. If you intend to frame someone, which is lying they would most likely be enraged.

The ethical treatment of human and animal subjects is an important part of research in psychology. Respond to the following questions. What steps must a researcher take when dealing with human subjects? Why are these steps important?


The researcher who deals with scientific research that uses human beings must meet the ethical guidelines that guarantee the safety of the participating humans. There are several guidelines that must be applied according to the tests and the elements to which these human beings will be submitted. However, in general, we can affirm that it is the researcher's duty to request the participant's informed consent, without coercing or influencing him to give consent. In addition, the researcher must ensure that the research has a balance between risks and benefits and inform the participant of all of this. The researcher must ensure that the participant receives humane and fair treatment.

1. From a teacher’s perspective, why are learning centers so important in the PreK classroom?2. From a teacher’s perspective what is the best way to create a calm, safe classroom?
3. From a teacher’s perspective, what are the basic needs for a PreK classroom?
4. From a child’s perspective how is a classroom helpful in maintaining relationships?
5. From a child’s perspective, what is the value of having many sensory experiences in the classroom?


Teacher Perspective:

1. Learning centers are very important for Pre-K classrooms because they can teach students in Pre-K more about the environment around them.

2. The best way to create a calm classroom is to do gross motor activities (let students have recess) and give students free time.

3. The basic needs for a Pre-K classroom are some toys, shapes and other objects to explore.

Child Perspective:

4. A classroom is helpful in maintaining relationships because the children feel happy when they are in school.

5. Having sensory experiences in the classroom can help children navigate the world around them.

Hope this helps!

Acid rain is rain that carries unusually high acids that can break down rocks. This is an example of a __________ interaction.



chemical interaction


Acid rain is precipitation with the presence of sulfuric acid, nitric and nitrous acid, resulting from reactions and chemical interactions that occur in the atmosphere.

All rainfall is acidic, even in environments without pollution. However, rainfall becomes an environmental problem when its pH is below 4.5. They result from the exaggerated amount of fossil fuel combustion products released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities.

this is a example of a chemical reaction.

I am thinking of taking out a two year cd, you can get a high interest rate on it


You can go to a shop and ask the owner the two year CD if you want to buy it so you can get one.