After an egg develops in the _________, it travels through the _________, where it may be fertilized. Ovary, fallopian tube
Ovary, uterus
Uterus, fallopian tube
Uterus, ovary

B? or D? Or something else?


Answer 1

Answer: Ovary, uterus


The ovary is a female reproductive structure. It is responsible for development and secretion of egg (ovum) at the time of fertilization. It is responsible for secretion of hormones which are important for menstrual cycle and fertility.

The egg from the ovary is released into the fallopian tube. The egg from the fallopian tube is fertilized in the uterus by one of the sperm cell.

Answer 2
Answer: Ovary , fallopian tube
The egg matures in ovary.
After maturation it is released into fallopian tube where it gets fetilized

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