When did george lucas was born


Answer 1
Answer: May 14, 1944 (age 72 years), Modesto, CA
Answer 2


May 14 1944 in Modesto. California

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In referring to the deportations during the Armenian genocide, what does correspondent Henry Wood say was the “terrible feature of this deportation”?


In referring to the deportations during the Armenian genocide, correspondent Henry Wood says that the mass deaths that occurred was the “terrible feature of this deportation”

The options of the question are, A) They will have to live in the interior. B) families will never be united again. C) it will end an inevitable death. D) Children will be terrified.  

The correct answer is B) families will never be united again.

In referring to deportations during the Armenian genocide, what the correspondent Henry Wood said on the terrible feature of the deportation was that families will never be united again.

In 1915, the Ottoman government committed the Armenian Genocide, in which Armenians living in the Ottoman territory were deported and then were killed, in one of the most terrible atrocities in modern history. Although Turkey has denied the genocide, there were many people that were there and witnessed the assassinations.  

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Civic Duty . . . requirement of a citizen to fulfill within a community
Civic Responsibility . . . obligation of a citizen to fulfill within a community

an obligation ≠ requirement because there is no penalty for not fulfilling an obligation (other than self-disappointment).

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The Star-spangled banner, the National Anthem of the United States of America is a poem inspired by the Battle of Baltimore, fought on September 12-14, 1814 during the War of 1812.

During the British campaign against Washington, D.C., an elderly and respected physician, Dr. William Beanes was arrested for unfriendly acts toward the British soldiers which resulted in his arrest.

Francis Scott Key, a prominent lawyer and friend of Dr. Beanes was sent by President James Madison to obtain his release. Following negotiations, the British agreed to release Beanes. However, since the British were going to attack Baltimore, Maryland next, they would allow no one to go ashore.

The British landed soldiers on September 12 and engaged in a brisk land battle, however, they were not able to capture Baltimore. As part of a two pronged attack, the British now sent their naval fleet to attack and destroy the port city. The main defense of Baltimore harbor was Fort McHenry. For 25 hours the British fleet fired rockets and bombs at the fort.

The fort's defenders bravely withstood the bombardment and did not surrender. The British realized they could not take Baltimore without paying for it with heavy casualties. Since they were not willing to pay this price, they departed from Baltimore.

Which best describes how the Great Migration affected Northern cities?A.Northern cities changed very little as African Americans moved in.
B.Northern cities became as segregated as the Southern cities.
C.Northern cities forced African Americans into segregated neighborhoods.
D.Northern cities grew more diverse as African Americans shared their culture.


Northern cities grew more diverse asAfrican Americans shared their culture.

Further Explanation:

The Great Migration was the migration of approximately five million southerly blacks to the north and west within the year of 1915 and 1960. During the primary winding, the majority of immigrants traveled to influential northern cities such as Chicago, Illinois, and other cities.

The commercial urges for immigration were the desire to flee oppressive financial contingencies in the south and the assurance of higher accomplishment in the north. Since their liberation from captivity, southerly provincial blacks had experienced in an estate had offered the limited possibility of progression. While several blacks were fortunate to obtain land, most were share-croppers, resident gardeners, or farm employees, almost dwindling from year to year. When World War I generated an enormous requirement for workers in northerly factories, many austral blacks took this occasion as the chance to flee from the harsh economic circumstances in the south.

The demand for workers in the North was a consequence of the annihilation of 5 million individuals who emigrated to assist in the armed forces, as well as the limitation of foreign immigration.

Learn more:

1. Courts of general jurisdiction typically have? brainly.com/question/700304

2. What happens if the house and senate versions of a bill are different? brainly.com/question/8775340

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Answer Details

Grade; High School

Subject; History

Topic; Great Migration


Emancipation, northern, restriction, foreign, slavery, foreign, blacks, economic, migration, Pennsylvania, railroad, travel, armed forces




The Spanish monarchy abolished the encomieda system because the system


Native people were being brutalized and oppressed under this system. Many wereliterally worked to death. Missionaries there had become involved in trying tostop this abuse of native peoples. Queen Isabella did not want the nativestreated as slaves and viewed them as a free and independent people. As a resultof the abuse, the encomienda system was abolished by the Spanish crown.

3 even from the civil rights era


14th amendment 1868
plessy vs. Ferguson 1896
Civil Rights Act passed July 1964