To calculate the dashed orbits from the stellar positions, astronomers had to assume that __________.if they observed for many more years, the dots would trace out ellipses


Answer 1

As the Earth travels closer to Saturn in its orbit and then both planets are situated on the side of the Sun, Saturn is enduring an apparent retrograde movement period.

Even with a good telescope, it would be impossible to see against the background of stars. The parallax angle is the difference, measured from a nearby star, between the Earth's location at one point in time of the year and the Earth six months later. Astronomers use this angle to determine how far away from Earth that star is. The procedure outlined previously, s, can be used to determine the distance to a nearby planet. Now that we have established an observation point O, we can calculate the angle that the planet is at, which is. P1P2 = d, where d is the diameter of the planet. Consequently, we may apply the parallax technique to determine a neighbouring planet's radius.

Learn more about Parallax here:


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In the 360 field trip video, most of the forest you observed was secondary growth forest, while other parts of the rainforest were primary growth forest. Which of the following attributes are characteristic of a secondary growth forest?
a. a greater diversity of plant species
b. trees with thick trunks
c. trees with thin trunks
d. fewer species of plants



C. Trees with thin trunks

D. Fewer species of plants


If a forest has been logged once and regrew, that is a second-growth forest. Some characteristics:

- Thin tree trunks

- Fewer species of plants

- Little light reaching the forest floor

- Very high density of trees

Final answer:

A secondary growth forest is typified by trees with thin trunks because the trees are younger than those in a primary growth forest. Thus, the correct answer to the question is 'c. trees with thin trunks'.


The main characteristics of a secondary growth forest are usually associated with forest areas that have re-grown after a major disturbance, such as a fire, insects or timber harvest of a primary forest. This type of forest typically contains trees with thin trunks, as they are younger trees that have not yet had time to grow to the sizes seen in primary forests. Thus, the answer to your question is 'c. trees with thin trunks'. Albeit it's also possible to observe fewer plant species in secondary forests compared to primary forests due to the recent disturbance and a still ongoing recovery process, the diversity tends to increase over time until reaching a climax community.

Learn more about Secondary Growth Forest here:


What is deforestation overgrazing and wild fire​



Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make

room for something besides forest. This can include

clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the

timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing.

Overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to

intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or

without sufficient recovery periods. It can be

caused by either livestock in poorly managed

agricultural applications, game reserves, or nature


A wildfire, wildland fire or rural fire is an uncontrolled fire

in an area of combustible vegetation occurring in rural


List three examples of culture blending in Brazil



La cultura de Brasil es eminentemente pluricultural, marcada por grandes y diversas corrientes migratorias provenientes de todos los continentes, sumado al intenso mestizaje. Brasil está conformado por muy diversos pueblos, lo que se refleja en su cultura, que posee elementos principalmente indígenas, africanos y europeos, sobre todo de origen animal.

La cultura popular y la cultura erudita siempre fue bastante problemática en el país. Durante un largo período de la historia, desde el Descubrimiento de Brasil hasta mediados de los siglos XIX y XX, la distancia entre la cultura erudita y la cultura popular era bastante amplia: la primera buscaba ser una copia fiel de los cánones y estilos europeos, la segunda era formada por la adaptación de las culturas de los diferentes pueblos que formaron el pueblo brasileño en un conjunto de valores, estéticas y hábitos rechazados y despreciados por las élites. Gran parte del proyecto estético modernista fue justamente el de rescatar en los campos considerados "nobles" de la cultura (las artes en general, la literatura, la música, etc.) y hasta los hábitos cotidianos, considerándola como una legítima cultura brasileña.

Sustainability , why should we as humans care . what is sustainabilities impact on human race





It is the balance that exists constantly in the environment, referring to the capacity of the biosphere to co-exist with human civilization. It can also be defined as socio-economic progress. As the three dimensions of Sustainability are Environment, Economy, and Society so, as humans if we don't take care of our environment's sustainability the third dimension will collapse and shrink as a result the fundamental pillar of equitability and bearability will be destroyed. The quality of life and the carrying capacity of the planet will be decreased. Although the environment has an auto-renewable type mechanism still the human race needs to keep track of their activities.

6. The foraminifera are quite interesting, but they are very different in each sand! Why do you think the forams are so different? Hint: Locate Guam and Ireland on a world map



These are deep sea creatures and have different evolutionary phases


  • Foraminifera is a name given to the hole beares called forams, they are a member of a phylum or class of protists, characterized by angular ectoplasm for catching their food, since they were discovered in 1854, they have been over 50,000 species and is less than 1 mm in size.
  • Bering a marine organism they are commonly found in brackish,  freshwaters and even terrestrial areas. Most of them are unicellular and range from algae to nutrient-poor oceanic waters most of them have a concentration of calcium carbonate.
  • Evolving in seafloor is diverse and abundant also used by the oil industries which heavily depends on microfossils. Width ranges from 5.5 to 4.4 mm.

Describe the various settings in which metamorphic rocks are formed and explain the links between plate tectonics and metamorphism corese hero.


metamorphic rock are the rock which are formed when igneous rock and sedimentary rock change from one form to another form due to more heat and pressure. long time exposure of heat and pressure on the sedimentary rock and igneous rock changes them from one form to another form and metamorphic rocks get form