Rule of force allocation encourages positive competition.




Answer 1

The correct answer is false.

It is false that the rule of force allocation enforces positive competition.

What promotes positive competition is the rule of law, where all the economic participants perform under the laws and regulations that apply to all competitors. The rule of law means completely the opposite of the rule by force, that is the use of the force to do something.

Answer 2
Answer: the answer here is true for sure

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Locke believed that the 3 natural rights each human should have are "Life, Liberty, and Property."

Hope this helps:)

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Andrew Jackson is known for starting the Democratic Party
This party is know one of the two major political parties in America (Republican and Democrat). Obama, the current president, is part of this party.

THE familiar labels "The Age of Jackson" and "Jacksonian Democracy" identify Andrew Jackson with the era in which he lived and with the advancement of political democracy. This honor may exaggerate his importance, but it also acknowledges the important truth that Jackson significantly contributed to shaping the American nation and its politics. Just as contemporaneous artists so often depicted him astride his horse overseeing the battlefield, Jackson bestrode some of the key currents of nineteenth-century American political life.

Jackson's presidency began on a sunny, spring-like day, 4 March 1829. Dressed in a simple black suit and without a hat, partly out of respect for his recently deceased wife, Rachel, and partly in keeping with traditions of republican simplicity, Jackson made his way on foot along a thronged Pennsylvania Avenue. From the east portico of the Capitol, he delivered his inaugural address—inaudible except to those close by—in which he promised to be "animated by a proper respect" for the rights of the separate states. He then took the oath of office, placed his Bible to his lips, and made a parting bow to the audience. With great difficulty, he made his way through the crowd, mounted his horse, and headed for the White House and what had been intended as a reception for "ladies and gentlemen."

Which of the following men was NOT a Greek philosopher? A. Socrates B. Plato C. Themistocles D. Aristotle



Option C, Themistocles, is the correct answer.


Themistocles was a politician and general from Athens. He rose to fame in the early phase of democracy in Athens. He was associated with the Populist, having the provision of lower-class Athenians, and commonly being at probabilities with the aristocracy of Athens. Chosen archon in the year 493 BC, he established the polis to expand the maritime supremacy of Athens, a recurring motif in his administrative profession.

I recall the answer is C 

What was one cause of increasing globalization in the 1990s?


With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the world became more interconnected. This is because the communist bloc countries, which had previously been intentionally isolated from the capitalist West, began to integrate into the global market economy.

Final answer:

Increased globalization in the 1990s was sparked by technological advancement notably the Internet, and trade liberalization that allowed for more cross-border exchanges.


One major cause of increasing globalization in the 1990s was the spread and advancement of technology. In particular, the creation and rapid growth of the Internet radically changed the way people, businesses, and governments communicate and interact with each other. It made information sharing faster and more efficient which significantly contributed to making the world more interconnected than ever before. Another important cause was the liberalization of trade policies, both domestically in many countries and globally under the auspices of the World Trade Organization. This trade liberalization allowed for the increased exchange of goods, services, and capital across borders, further enhancing the process of globalization.

Learn more about Globalization here: