Describe two environments in which minerals form. List a mineral that is formed in each environment


Answer 1
Answer: "1. A mineral can be formed through evaporating salt water which is when salt water evaporates.

you can do this at home with a bottle and mix salt and water together and see what happens when it dries up.

Examples: Gypsum and Halite

2. A mineral can also be formed through hot water solutions which is when ground water works its way down and is boiled by ground magma.

Examples are Gold, copper sulfur pyrite and galena."

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Parents have a lot to be concerned about today. They carefully supervise time spent in front of the television or at the computer and shuttle children between school and extracurricular activities. One thing parents should not be worried about is vaccinating their kids; still, the debate rages on. (2)A growing number of parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children. While there are legitimate reasons not to vaccinate, including certain medical conditions that compromise immune systems, many parents are objecting to vaccination shots for philosophical reasons. The real culprit undermining the public’s safety is a baseless claim that vaccinations lead to autism.

(3)Autism is a complex developmental disorder with no known cause or cure. Symptoms usually present themselves before the age of three. Proponents of the autism-vaccine link argue that the fact that many autism diagnoses occur during the time many toddlers receive their first immunizations is more than just coincidence. The Centers for Disease Control found that there is no link between vaccines and autism. The recent rise in autism is scary, but blaming vaccines shifts the focus away from finding the true cause of this disease.

(4)Parents put their children in serious danger by not immunizing. The diseases we immunize against are not gone and they are still deadly. Even chicken pox, a seemingly innocent disease, can kill. Choosing not to immunize endangers sick children and infants who cannot receive shots. It also undermines the community immunity. Unvaccinated individuals make it easier for diseases to spread.

(5)Vaccination should not be a choice, but more states are passing laws that allow parents to send their children to school without their shots. Vaccines are not perfect; there is always some risk. But the risk is negligible when we consider the threat an unvaccinated society presents to us all.

Which statement would MOST LIKELY be a conclusion this author would agree with?
A) It is the business of the government to enforce vaccination with criminal penalties.
B) Every parent should stand up for his or her right not to vaccinate their children for communicable diseases.
C) Parents who refuse to their vaccinate their children are making the wisest decision for themselves and their families.
D) Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are acting irresponsibly for their children's health and the health of society.





Hope this helps


answer B


How do visual learners study?


by studying pictures and videos and what the teacher taught the whole class
Visual learners are those who learn best through what they see

Which school would likely be the least expensive to attend


Answer: Lamar community college


Are there choices?

A public school is free

Soon Yi loves to bake, and she is making flaky pastry. Soon Yi starts with a layer of dough 222 millimeters (\text{mm})(mm)left parenthesis, start text, m, m, end text, right parenthesis thick. The baking process then involves repeatedly rolling out and folding the dough to make layers. Each time Soon Yi rolls and folds the dough, the thickness increases by 8\%8%8, percent. What is the smallest number of times Soon Yi will have to roll and fold the dough so that the resulting dough is at least 2.5\,\text{mm}2.5mm2, point, 5, start text, m, m, end text thick?



3 times


When the dough is folded, it increases by a constant factor. We can model the growth of the thickness using the exponential growth model



Initial thickness, T_0 = 2mm

Growth factor, r =8%=0.08

We want to find the smallest number of times Soon Yi will have to roll and fold the dough so that the resulting dough is at least 2.5mm.

i.e WhenT(n)\geq 2.5$ mm

2(1+0.08)^n\geq 2.5\n2(1.08)^n\geq 2.5\n$Divide both sides by 2$\n(2(1.08)^n)/(2)\geq (2.5)/(2)\n\n1.08^n\geq 1.25\n\n$Change to logarithm form\nn \geq \log_(1.08)1.25\n\nn\geq (\log 1.25)/(\log 1.08) \n\nn\geq 2.9

Therefore, the smallest number of times Soon Yi will have to roll and fold the dough so that the resulting dough is at least 2.5mm thick is 3.

What are the things you must do in the order to get full credit for the day?​


You need to make at least the minimum payment each month, even during an interest-free period. Set up a Direct Debit for the full monthly balance, or for as much as you can afford to repay. This will mean you don’t miss a payment, which could lead to unwanted charges and the loss of any introductory rate. Missing payments could also damage your credit rating.
You’ll have a credit assessment by the card provider when you apply, which will usually include checking your credit reference file. A good credit rating will improve your chances of a successful credit application. It could also give you access to cards offering the lowest interest rates and/or promotional offers.
You need to be at least 18 to apply for a credit card. With some cards the minimum age is 21.

How many yards are in a mile from my lease 3 Mile Walk ​


Answer: 5280


I think you're asking how many miles are in your 3 miles walk. If that is correct than the answer is 5280.

1 miles=1760

2 miles=3520

3 miles=5280