What influenced the development of Byzantine art and architecture? A. Russian religious art was the major influence on Byzantine art. B. Egyptian and Indian art and architecture came together through trade in Constantinople. C. Islamic architectural styles combined with Spanish tile work in Byzantine buildings and artwork. D. Roman art and architecture blended with elements of Eastern styles in Byzantine art and architecture.


Answer 1

Roman and Greek art and architecture have influenced the development of Byzantineart and architecture. So the correct option is D.

Why Roman architecture is so famous worldwide?

Architecture is one of the important assets in Rome. Roman was the first to arches in space to create an architectural design that would be mirrored in modern construction.

There are a number of famous architectural sites in Rome like Besicilsa,Aphifiteater, public baths, residential blocks, granary buildings, triumphal arches.

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about Greek art and  architecture here:


Answer 2
Byzantine art and architecture  was influenced by  Roman art and architecture blended with elements of Eastern styles in Byzantine art and architecture.

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Which best describes the role of a consumer?


the role of the comsumer is to buy goods

hope this helped

Final answer:

The role of a consumer is to purchase goods or services to fulfill needs and wants, influencing the market and driving economic growth.


The role of a consumer refers to an individual or group of individuals who purchase goods or services to fulfill their needs and wants. Consumers play a crucial role in the economy as their demand for goods and services drives production and economic growth. They have the power to influence the market by making choices based on their preferences and budget.

For example, when a consumer buys clothes from a retail store, they are supporting the fashion industry and contributing to the revenue of that particular store. On a larger scale, the collective purchasing decisions of consumers impact industries, employment rates, and overall economic stability.

Three keywords related to this topic are:

  1. Consumer: Refers to an individual or group of individuals who purchase goods or services
  2. Demand: The quantity of goods or services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price and time
  3. Economic growth: The increase in production and consumption of goods and services that contribute to the overall expansion of the economy

Learn more about Consumer here:



Which statement about democratic governments is true? A.
Democratic governments deny citizens their basic civil rights.

Democratic governments are the opposite of totalitarian states.

Democratic governments demand unquestioning loyalty from their citizens.

Democratic governments are very similar to totalitarian states.



The answer is B




How did human societies change as a result of job specialization during the Neolithic Revolution? A.Neolithic societies were able to travel over long distances more frequentlyB. Neolithic societies became divided between hunters and gatherers
C. Neolithic societies began to divide food and goods more equally.
D. Neolithic societies developed more divers goods and products


Human societies changed as a result of job specialization during the Neolithic Revolution in that they D. developed more diverse goods and products. The Neolithic Era is marked by the adoption of agriculture and sedentary societies. Once settled in one place, those societies could have specific farmers whose responsibility it was to grow food; however, unlike hunting and gathering, not everyone had to partake in finding food. Instead, the farmers could grow the food allowing others the ability to pursue other trades such as pottery-making, fishing, warfare, and religious activities.

Read this excerpt from the Constitution of the Confederate States. On which event or issue can historians gain insight from this excerpt?. WE, the People of the [United States] Confederated States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a [more perfect Union] permanent Federal government, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility [provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare], and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the [United] Confederate States of America."


Southern Secession is the event or issue that historians can gaininsight from this excerpt.


The most serious attempt at secession was advanced in the years 1860 and1861 as eleven southern States each declared secession from the United States, and joinedtogether to form the Confederate States of America.


I am hoping that this answer hassatisfied your query and it will be able to help you in your endeavor, and ifyou would like, feel free to ask another question.

Historians can gain insight from this excerpt by reading on the American Civil War.

The American Civil War was a war (although Congress never issued a Declaration of War) waged in the United States from 1861 to 1865. As a result of the historical controversy over slavery, the war broke out in April 1861, when the forces of the Confederate States of America attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina, shortly after President Abraham Lincoln took office. The nationalists of the Union proclaimed loyalty to the Constitution of the United States. They confronted secessionists from the Confederate States, who defended the rights of the states to expand slavery and drafted their own Constitution, from which the excerpt of this question has been extracted.

Among the 34 states of the United States in February 1861, seven southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States to form the Confederate States of America, or the South. The Confederation grew to include eleven slave states. The Confederation was never diplomatically recognized by the Government of the United States, nor was it recognized by any foreign country (although the United Kingdom and France granted it belligerent status). The states that remained loyal to the United States (including the border states where slavery was legal) were known as the Union or the North.

The Union and the Confederation quickly raised voluntary and conscript armies that fought mainly in the South for four years. The Union finally won the war when General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at the Battle of Appomattox Court House, followed by a series of surrenders of Confederate generals in all the southern states. Four years of intense fighting left between 620,000 and 750,000 people dead, more than the number of military deaths in the United States in all other wars combined (at least until the Vietnam War). South was destroyed, especially transportation systems. The Confederation collapsed, slavery was abolished and 4 million slaves were freed. The Age of Reconstruction (1863-1877) overlapped and followed the war, with the process of restoring national unity, strengthening the national government and granting civil rights to freed slaves throughout the country. The Civil War is the most studied and written episode about the history of the United States.

In the mid-1700s, slave labor in the Middle Colonies was  A. not essential.B. critical to farming.C. outlawed.D. critical to the factory.


it was not essential
B. Not essential.
Not essential because it wasn't 90% of the population like the Southern colonies.

To confront urban segregation in the North, what was organized?Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Legal Aid Society
Japanese American Citizens League
none of the above


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Japanese American Citizens League." To confront urban segregation in the North, the group was organized. It was called as the Japanese American Citizens League